Fall Term Deadlines!

Hello College of Forestry Undergrads!

School starting on a Thursday wasn’t the only thing that has changed this year, many important deadlines have also changed! Here are the current rules, straight from Academic Regulations:

1. Students may add courses through the second full week of classes each term, depending on the nature of the course and the availability of space. From the end of the first full week of classes to the end of the second full week of classes, permission (signature) of the instructor offering the course must be obtained.
2. A student may drop courses without responsibility for grades through the end of the first full week of classes. After the drop deadline courses may not be dropped. Failure to drop a course properly will result in an F grade being recorded; courses properly dropped do not appear on the student’s transcript.
3. Add/drop fees will be assessed in accordance with the fee policies stated in the Schedule of Classes.
You can check in with your Academic Advisor if you have questions about adding/dropping classes.  As always, if you have general questions about deadlines or anything else in the College of Forestry, please contact the Student Services Office, located in Peavy 250, at (541) 737-1594.

Happy Week 2!