Forest Science Complex Q&A Drop-In Open House

If you haven’t heard yet, the College of Forestry is building a new facility!  Peavy Hall will soon be replaced with the new Peavy: the Forest Science Complex!  You may have many questions about this upcoming change, and the college leadership wants to answer those inquiries!

On April 5th from 9:00-11:00 am you are encouraged to stop by Peavy 276 to ask questions and talk about any facet of the planned new Peavy Hall, the Advanced Wood Products Laboratory, or the move out of Peavy.

About the New Buildings

Learn about recent design changes and adjustments being made to improve function of the program spaces. The Open House is organized so that you can focus only on the topics and issues that are of interest or concern to you without spending more time than you want.  Members of the design team will be available to listen and talk through your questions about any and all of the following:

  • Office areas, labs, classrooms, grad student spaces, storage, the Field Instrument Room, Student Learning Center, etc.
  • The Arboretum
  • Public safety concerns accounted for in building design
  • Demolition/re-use/recycling of current Peavy Hall materials
  • Measuring sustainability attributes of the new buildings
  • The Advanced Wood Products Lab

About the Move Out of Peavy Hall in Early Summer

The proposed schedule for moving everyone out of Peavy Hall will be available and staff will be ready to answer your questions and talk about what can be done to help you get ready.

Light refreshments will be provided!

If you have questions, please contact

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