Congratulations Award Winners and Retirees!

On Thursday, March 10th, the college hosted the annual Dean’s Awards and Retiree Recognition ceremony.  This event is held each year to recognize members of the faculty and staff who are retiring as well as outstanding performance by current faculty and staff.  Seven members of the faculty are retiring this year, many who have served the College of Forestry for multiple decades.  We thank them for their contributions to the college as well as the Oregon State community!

Many awards were also given, one of which was new this year.  This year, nominations were held for the Outstanding Student Worker Award.  Lucia Hadella, a senior in Natural Resources was awarded this title for all of her dedication and hard work in the College Research Forests.  Lucia has spearheaded many fundraising events, educational events for high school students, and has been instrumental in the Forestry Connection movement.  Congratulations Lucia for your award and great job!

Good luck on finals, Fernhoppers!