Student Services Everyday!

Happy Week 3 College of Forestry Undergrads!

While we hope that you all know the Student Services Office is here for you, we would also like to make sure you know about Student Services Everyday!  Visit the Student Services Office, located in Peavy 250, every day of the week for something new!

Monday Maps: Be the first to guess the national/state park, monument, wilderness area, etc. and win a prize!*  You can guess by responding to the post on The Fernhopper Blog, or tweet the answer to as @OSU_COF_SS

Tuesday Trivia: Be the first to answer the trivia question correctly and win a prize!* You can guess by responding to the post on The Fernhopper Blog, or tweet the answer to as @OSU_COF_SS

Wednesday Warmup: Enjoy a FREE cup of coffee in the SLC, Peavy 252, from 9:00-11:00 am.

Thoughtful Thursday: Has someone gone out of their way to do something nice for you? Nominate them on Thursdays so they can be recognized!

Fernhopper Friday: The official publication day for the Fernhopper Newsletter and Fernhopper Blog!

*Stop by Student Services to claim your prize. Ecampus students, prizes will be mailed to you!

The Student Services Office is your resource for support in the College of Forestry.  Stop by or call 541-737-1594 with any questions you may have! Good luck studying for midterms!