Hello! I’m Yolanda Diaz and this is my fourth summer as an Oregon State University Extension intern. I recently graduated from George Fox University with my bachelor’s in social work and will be attending Northwest Nazarene University in the fall to begin my master’s. I’m extremely grateful for the education I’ve received so far and I’m eager to continue learning. Every summer I’ve looked forward to returning to Malheur County and continuing meaningful work. This summer, I’ve had the opportunity to develop more event coordination and public speaking skills. Taking the lead on a few events was new to me, but I’m thankful to have a supportive team to guide me every step of the way.

Nyssa Elementary Summer school students during the Story Walk station
Nyssa Elementary Summer school students during the Story Walk station

This summer, one of my main projects was conducting a walk and read. Oregon by the Numbers shows that Malheur County has one of the lowest physical activity rates and literacy rates, which inspired me to pursue a project that would meet both needs. Our team decided to conduct a STEM Literacy Walk. This included the Frontier STEM Hub collaboration, which provided a Star Lab and “Feel the Heat” activity for two additional stations during our story walk. During this day, the goal was to increase STEM skills, physical activity, and reading skills among K-5 graders at Nyssa Elementary Summer School. To see the summer school students share about their favorite stations and see how much they enjoyed the event that day was rewarding to my team and I. Story Walks are something that I’d look forward to conducting again to show more students one way that reading can be engaging and fun. 

Another project I’ve had the opportunity to deliver with colleagues is Community Listening Sessions. These sessions were conducted for the Title V Oregon Health Authority health assessments, which are conducted every five years. Planning assessments for youth and adults was important to ensure a well-represented population from Malheur County had a voice in this new assessment. The feedback collected at these sessions will influence the health priorities that Oregon will focus on for the following years. Hearing community members’ experiences will allow the assessment to focus on the health status and needs of our rural communities in Malheur County. Recognizing that community members are the experts of their community and providing a space to share their experiences felt empowering to many and like a step in the right direction for the betterment of our community. Being from Malheur County myself, it feels rewarding to deliver this much-needed service. 

One valuable lesson I’ve learned from these events is the importance of partnerships. I recognize these events would not have been possible without the support and contributions of community partners such as the Frontier STEM Hub or Nyssa Senior Center. To all those who I’ve newly partnered with this summer, I thank you for your time and willingness to invest in my career path. I’m thankful for my supervisor who empowers me to take the lead on projects that are meaningful and relevant to my career path. Without these past summers with Extension, my professional and personal development would not be the same. I’m beyond excited to deliver more programs as we continue this summer. 


Three women pose for a selfie on the shore.
Yolanda Diaz, Kiera Briner (Chief Science Officer) and Barbara Brody (Associate professor of practice, FCH) attended the Chief Science Officer National Conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
Photo credit: Yolanda Diaz

My OSU Extension Internship experience has been life-changing, to say the least. It has been filled with professional development, mentorship and valuable work. My journey with Extension began as a Malheur Works intern during the first year of the program. The program strives to provide recent high school graduates with an opportunity for workforce development. MW Internship program also focuses on meeting local industry needs by fostering youth with professional skills to become equipped employees. The internship program also offers paid internships for students, enabling them to prepare for future employment or higher education.

After graduating high school, I was placed at OSU Extension Service.  At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect from my internship, but I ended up loving it! Thankfully, I was offered an extended internship that started the following summer after my first year of college. My time with Extension has allowed me to grow professionally, and I was thrilled to return once again in the summer of 2023. I have now completed three summer internships with Extension.

A classroom full of young people stand around two tables.
Malheur Works interns and Yolanda Diaz (center).
Interns participated in an activity prepared by Yolanda at Professional Development Day.
Photo credit: Barbara Brody

I’m beyond grateful to say OSU Extension has provided me job security during my college career. I look forward to coming home each summer to continue meaningful work in the community. During my internships, I was able to enhance my leadership skills and take on additional roles and responsibilities each year. My overarching goal includes outreach and engagement with community partners to address needs in the community. Each summer, the needs we focus on has varied. The solutions and approaches that I’ve seen to resolve the issues Malheur County is facing have been creative and culturally sensitive. My education in social work has taught me the importance of meeting people where they are and practicing cultural empathy. I’m pleased that I have gained a broader perspective on the issues affecting my county and the effective measures taken to tackle them.

Two women work on computers at a table and smile for the camera.
Nickie Shira (Director of Frontier STEM Hub) and Yolanda Diaz, working on youth workforce development.
Photo credit: Barbara Brody

This summer, I had the chance to work with the Malheur Works Internship program. My role was to help develop additional activities and provide input during the professional development days to engage the interns and enhance their learning experience. Contributing to this program was personally meaningful to me, as I had benefited from it before, and I wanted others to have the same positive experience. Through my work with the MW program, I learned about the significance of providing workforce development opportunities in rural communities. I was pleased to hear about the positive impact the program had on each intern during the marketing and promotional events.

It’s bittersweet to realize that my time as an OSU Intern is coming to an end, as I never truly realized what a wonderful journey I had begun. Nevertheless, I’m certain that my involvement with Extension won’t come to an end after this year, as it has greatly influenced my career path. I’m grateful to my co-workers, colleagues, and supervisors who have provided me with a safe and enjoyable environment to develop my skills. Being surrounded by individuals who are passionate and supportive of the work we do every day is something that never goes unnoticed. Finally, I’d like to express my gratitude to OSU Extension Service for granting me an unforgettable opportunity. My passion for Extension continues to flourish as I work towards serving Malheur County every single day.

– Yolanda Diaz

A woman teaches a young girl at a table outside under an Oregon State University canopy.
Yolanda Diaz teaching new generations in Malheur County.
Photo credit: Sierra Dobson

Hello everyone! I am Yolanda Diaz, a Family and Community Health intern for Oregon State University Extension Service in Malheur County. This is my second year as an OSU intern, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have this wonderful opportunity. Currently, I attend George Fox University where I am majoring in social work. As a social work student, I am always eager to discover ways to empower families and communities. This internship has provided me with a glimpse into the resources, events and opportunities that Eastern Oregon has to offer as well as the areas that require additional support. I am grateful that my education has taught me the importance of meeting people where they are and using appropriate methods to assist them. This internship has significantly enhanced my ability to respond to various situations.

As an intern this year, I’ve been helping to address the issue of food insecurity in Malheur County. Last year, I attended a meeting of the Western Treasure Valley (WTV) Food Systems partnership. We discussed how food systems operate, the underlying causes of obstacles within these systems and the WTV team’s proposed solutions. During this discussion, there were suggestions for building a connection between community members and food systems partners. Although I missed some important updates and conversations while I was away at school in 2022-2023, it was amazing to come back this year and see the progress my colleagues have made.

This month, I was involved in the planning process for a food systems partnership “community center.” With the help of local professionals and the Oregon Food Bank, we were able to come up with a vision for a future location. It’s been rewarding to have been a part of this project from the beginning to where it is now and where it’s heading. I feel a strong connection with my community now more than ever. Being involved in the different stages of addressing food insecurity in Malheur County is an experience I never expected. I’ve now witnessed the hard work and dedication that goes into creating a healthy and meaningful environment for families in our community.

I have consistently developed and shared information on Foodhero.org at farmers’ markets, educating community members of all ages. I’ve also assisted with delivering cooking camps in rural towns in Malheur County. It is valuable to connect with people in the same county because one conversation can have a significant impact. Promoting healthy living through research-based recipes and physical activities is essential for my community.

Being able to create meaningful work to bring recreation and life to our community is rewarding. The work I’m doing has provided me with a chance to develop my passion for Extension.

This summer internship has had such a positive impact on me so far. My time spent working for OSU Extension in Malheur County is exciting and significant. It’s been illuminating to become aware of certain issues my county faces and how I can help meet their needs. Learning about different local partners in my county is very important to me as well because it expands my worldview.

Yolanda Diaz (left) helps with the makerspace event.

I’ve gotten to work with youth for makerspace events at summer school and with community partners. Makerspace is a program of the Frontier STEM Hub. It includes 3D printing, laser engraving, vinyl cutting for stickers, and heat-press for making T-shirts. I help students in our county by fostering their technology skills, spreading entrepreneurship awareness and expanding creativity.

The most recent makerspace event was in partnership with the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization. Interacting with youth through their designs and creations was a great way to learn about their stories and cultures. The makerspace builds a career-connected learning opportunity for youth and families within our county. One thing I love about Extension in Malheur County is that it does its best to be culturally responsive in diverse and effective manners.

Another valuable event that I’ve had the opportunity to help with is a literacy walk. We had about 30 different stations where leaders implemented physical activities to get from one “page” to another. The books that we use for walk-an- read events encourage students in regards to physical activity. I highly enjoy delivering this activity to create an action-oriented experience for children. One of our upcoming walk-and-read events will be Ontario Municipal Airport where families can meet with pilots and learn about different helicopters or planes. It will be a great experience!

Children participate in the walk-and-read literacy event in Malheur County. Photo by Yolanda Diaz.

Being a leader for 4-H participants has also been an eye-opening experience. I enjoy getting to know each student individually and am always impressed by their outstanding skills and service. Chaperoning for the state 4-H Summer Conference at OSU in Corvallis was a good time for me to learn the role of an adult in a different setting and be able to create the best experience possible for 4-Hers. I can’t wait to be a chaperone (and returning alumni) for the state Chief Science Officers Leadership Institute at East Oregon University.

This internship has also taught me to set boundaries and maintain a professional relationship with students who are close to my age, which will be important for my future profession. I also have the opportunity to document and establish fun activities for the Malheur Works internship program in their professional development days. My internship has exposed me to new roles and experiences that help me become more responsible as I’m adulting.

We still have so much planned for this summer, such as county fair and summer camps. I have such an amazing supervisor in Barbara Brody and can’t wait to continue learning with her help. I’m thankful for having such a positive work environment and I thank OSU Extension for giving me this great opportunity.

Hello everyone, my name is Yolanda Diaz, and I am from the town of Nyssa in Malheur County. I’m a student at George Fox University, on my way to a bachelor’s degree in social work. I aspire to pursue a master’s in social work and then become a licensed clinical social worker. One of my main goals is to have my own counseling practice for families and children.

I’ve been involved in OSU Extension 4-H Teens as Teachers and other programs where I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C., and network with many STEM professionals. This summer, I’m working alongside my supervisor, Barbara Brody, associate professor of practice and 4-H educator. So far, I’ve had the opportunity to plan cooking camps for youths, learn about aviation services, promote physical activity around our county, and develop engaging activities at the farmers market.

Yolanda Diaz poses for a picture in front of an Oregon State University Extension Service farmers market booth with coloring supplies and coloring sheets available for youth
Yolanda Diaz at the OSU Extension table at a farmers market.

The process of planning and delivering “Kids in the Kitchen” was a new and exciting experience for me. I’m grateful that our team is able to host summer camps in order for youths to gain essential skills regarding cooking and baking. Seeing them understand concepts and apply them to their work throughout the summer is truly rewarding. Our team has also gotten the chance to visit different schools in our county and teach lessons related to food and nutrition.

Yolanda Diaz handing out sliced fruit to a little girl for making smoothies.
Yolanda Diaz (right) hands out ingredients for making smoothies.

One of my favorite parts of this internship is working in makerspace events. I contribute by helping students learn the process of laser engraving, vinyl cutting, T-shirt and sticker-making, and 3D printing. With the rapid advancement of technology, I believe it’s crucial for youth to learn 21st-century skills. One of the best things about makerspace is that it provides a chance for students to stay determined and creative through the process. The makerspace even won a national teamwork award this year!

Planning educational activities for families at the farmers market is one of the most rewarding parts of this internship. It’s an exciting time to meet families and share resources with them. This year, all of our activities are focused on bringing awareness regarding what bees do for our environment. Engaging with youth about this topic, while building fun crafts, is a beneficial way to inform children about the agricultural setting we live in and how it contributes to our daily lives. The farmers market really helps Extension reconnect with our community and remind them what we are all about.

A valuable lesson I’ve gained from working in Extension this summer is the importance of community partnerships. Involving different organizations is very beneficial. Networking with professionals that may have a different background than yours brings another insight into the subject matter and it also strengthens our community. I’m looking forward to the upcoming events that we have planned. I am thankful to be doing such meaningful work in my community and to grow as a leader, student and intern.