A man stands near a bucket in a field, holding a tube for collecting soil samples.
Extension Intern Keon Kiser collects soil samples at the OSU Extension Moro Station.
Photo credit: Jacob Powell

Hello readers of my second and final blog post of the summer of 2023! My name is Keon Kiser and I am a third-year OSU student studying environmental engineering. During my academic endeavors I have had the great privilege of working for the Wasco County OSU Extension office the past two summers. This blog post is a good opportunity to share my experiences with OSU Extension.

This past summer I’ve worked heavily with my supervisor, Lu Seapy, coworkers Bob M. and Susan M., and a fellow OSU intern, Theo Sandoz, on 4-H STEM summer camps. We worked together on organizing a variety of camps for youth that include hiking camps along the Columbia River, VEX robotics camps, Protobots, Drones and a Makey-Makey camp. In these camps we taught basic coding languages, physics of simple circuits, local biology, notebooking, and soldering skills. The variety of technical skills taught at these camps were a good application of skills I have learned in the past. But it was also a good learning experience, because I had to reach a certain level of mastery in order to teach each skill. For example, I have previous experience programming robots and creating engineering notebooks, but I had to practice my soldering skills as I had not soldered too much in the past. I had to constantly read up on local biology in order to teach the subject during the hiking camps. Also, I was given the task to independently lead a series of VEX Robotics and hiking camps. At the VEX camps I introduced the upcoming competition and focused on having the youth practice strategy, documentation, robot design and robot building. Then, at the series of 4-H hikes, I managed a group of youth and an assistant from The Dalles Parks and Recreation office. I contacted families and instructed campers in local biology.

Seven young people stand on a plateau with a river below and behind them.
Blejan, Evan, Christopher, Keon Kiser, Caleb, Nolan and Porter on a 4-H hike along the Rowena Plateau overlooking the Columbia River.
Photo credit: Stacey Ihrig

Aside from the 4-H STEM summer camps, I was able to work with Jacob Powell, a Sherman and Wasco County extension agent, on his wheat-crop research projects. The overall idea of the project was to study grain sizes and soil micronutrients like nitrogen and phosphate across various combinations of nitrogen levels and fertilizers to see if there were any significant differences in yield. During this time, I witnessed the importance of accounting for any possible variable that could affect the results. For example, Jacob and I did not see any real obvious differences in grain sizes across most of the treatments, which could imply that none of the treatments would be any better than another tested treatment. However, we had to take into account the weather, as it did not rain a lot over the summer. The crops probably did not have enough moisture to carry the nutrients up the wheat stocks. This was a great lesson for me as I intend to participate in a bioremediation research project back at OSU. Additionally, I was happy to see the information and results gathered and presented from the fire break trials I helped Jacob with the previous summer.

Overall, OSU Extension has provided me ample opportunity to hone technical skills (like soldering), to become a better team leader and teacher, and to experience contributing, in one way or another, in scientific research. I have had so much fun working with the youth and watching them learn and grow many new skills throughout the summer, and from year to year. Additionally, the staff at Wasco County are great people who truly live the OSU Extension mission of serving the community. Their friendliness made working fun and their focus challenged me to put forth my best effort. I would rate this experience as two thumbs up and a smiley ball 🙂. Thank you!

A lineup of people ready to start toy cars.
Kids built solar powered cars at the renewable energy summer camp at Columbia Gorge Community College.
Photo credit: Lu Seapy.

Hello, my name is Theo Sandoz, and I am excited to be back for my  second year as an intern with Oregon State University Extension Service in Wasco County.  I am a student at OSU studying nuclear engineering.  Returning to the Wasco office feels like I never left, and the office is still as busy as ever.  I am working alongside Keon Kiser who is also a returning intern for Wasco County.  Our biggest project for the summer is planning and helping to facilitate S.T.E.M. day camps in Wasco County.  There are other projects, especially those involving our county fair, that I am also very keen on doing.

First and foremost, we have our summer camps.  So far, I have helped put on many day camps, including Aerodrone Academy, Galactic Quest and Renewables.  The Areodrone camp had our campers learning how to program and fly small drones.  Throughout this two-day camp we challenged all the campers to fly through and around obstacles and land on specific landing pads while directly controlling the drone and while the drone moved autonomously.

Another great camp that we put on is called Galactic Quest.  The curriculum for this camp comes directly from national 4-H and was a blast.  The campers made telescopes and cypher wheels and we played a lot of the Astro Adventure board game (Think Catan Spacefarers).

The most recent camp was our Renewables camp.  In this two-day camp we spent the first day learning all about solar energy and then everyone built a small solar car and got to take it home.  The second day was all about wind energy.  With a few model turbines and some box fans we were able to turn the classroom into a wind tunnel and teach kids about turbine blade design and its effect on the power that wind turbines produce.  The camps are incredibly fulfilling to put on as many of the campers get very invested in what we are teaching and bring their wild imagination to these fun events.

As August is fast approaching it is time to begin prepping for the Wasco County Fair and  Rodeo.  The Wasco County Fair runs Aug. 17-20 this year.  This is my first year since 2012 that I have not participated in 4-H as a member.  I still want to be as helpful as possible for those that are in 4-H and help put on an absolutely rocking fair and continue to do so for years to come.  Because of my position as an intern, I have unique access to planning and operating certain events at the fair.  I am most excited to work with Leah Lowe, Wasco County Extension 4-H program coordinator, on a new Livestock and Poultry Skill-a-Thon for the 2023 Fair.  This is something that we started hosting last year and we plan to expand on last year’s vision and make the Skill-a-Thon a fully fledged event that can continue to be something 4-H members in Wasco County look forward to in years to come.

For the next month there are many more projects and camps that I cannot wait to tackle!

A young man sits in front of an orange wall with OSU Extension Service Wasco County written on it. He is holding up nature journals.
Keon Kiser at home in the Wasco County office of OSU Extension Service.
Photo credit Chelsie Gibson.

Welcome to my first blog post for the summer of 2023! I am Keon Kiser and I have just completed my second year studying environmental engineering at Oregon State University. If you are an avid reader of OSU’s intern blogs, then you may recognize me because I am returning for my second year as an OSU Extension Service intern in The Dalles, Wasco County. Once again I will be working alongside Lu Seapy, my supervisor, and the other interns in the 4-H STEM department helping to plan and manage STEM summer camps and assisting Jacob Powell, a wheat crop researcher, with his wheat-nitrogen absorption research.

As of this writing, I am beginning my third week of work and already I have helped manage the Aerial Robotics Camp, where we have taught youth basic safety, programming and controller drone skills. Coming up, I will be very busy leading a VEX IQ Workshop to help middle-schoolers prepare for the upcoming VEX IQ Competition, co-leading 4-H hikes along the Columbia River Gorge, managing a Protobot Camp to teach youth how to solder electronics, and assisting with many other STEM camps throughout the summer.

I returned to this internship for a few reasons. First, it was a ton of fun to work with my colleagues to create learning opportunities for youth in the STEM field and to watch them grow in technical skills and excitement for STEM and learning in general. Secondly, I get to be around a familiar community and I can continue to support my community by providing fun and new experiences for the youth. Finally, I am put in situations where I am challenged to improve many skills, like managing a workflow, leading conversations and cooperating with individuals.

To wrap up, I am very grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given to work with such great colleagues and community. The office mentality at the Wasco County OSU Extension Service is one where everyone has the same goal in providing the best learning opportunities as we possibly can for our community. Working for Extension not only has given me a greater appreciation and drive for community service, but it has also prepared me with skills and confidence for taking leadership roles in my future endeavors as a student at OSU and as an engineer in my career.

Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Keon Cohl Kiser, a sophomore at Oregon State University working as an intern at the OSU Extension Office in Wasco County. I began my summer internship around June 22nd, expecting to grow professional and people skills in order to obtain work experience and build my resume.

I am supervised by Lu Seapy in the Extension 4-H program, which, among other things, builds healthy communal and familial relationships through fun and educational camps for elementary and middle school kids. I was able to develop my professional and people skills by building new summer camps out of nothing, which includes the curriculum and the overall structure of each camp. The camps that I worked with involved a STEM focus. They included the technological side of building and programming robots and microcomputers and the scientific and educational side of raising awareness of what is considered recyclable and teaching about the local biology of the Columbia River Gorge.

Keon Kiser (middle left) at hiking camp at Catherine Creek Recreation Area.

As I operated these camps, I was able to see what it was like being a leader in terms of organization and maintaining control over an intense or chaotic situation. You can easily lose control when 22 kids all are working on a hands-on project – all at different paces. Unfortunately in some case the kids didn’t make as much progress as we had hoped on their creations and education.

Also, I will have the fortunate opportunity to work with Jacob Powell, Extension crops and livestock faculty in Wasco and Sherman counties. With Jacob I will be assisting in conducting research on forage kochia to study its resistance to fire in very dry environments. This is a great opportunity since not many undergraduate students can say they assisted in a research project, and I highly enjoy being on the field and learning new concepts.

Gladly, my internship was not like what you may see on TV, where the intern is tasked with only making coffee and walking around with papers. I was immediately challenged in doing things I have had little to no experience participating in like teaching and structuring/creating a curriculum on a consistent basis. Out of this internship I was able to get what I initially wanted out of it: Developing professional and people skills, being challenged, getting to know new people and having tons of fun.

I am blessed to have a job in which it doesn’t feel like a job, except when waking up early in the morning to make it on time, I was able to apply the 4-H mission by building relationship and inspiration within the Wasco County youth, and in the process inspiring myself to continue to excel with my own passions within and outside the STEM field.

Keon Cohl Kiser

Hello there! I am Keon Cohl Kiser, a freshly cooked college freshman going into my second year at Oregon State University. I am studying to be an environmental engineer with honors, with a hope to provide new solutions and/or sustainable alternatives for waste treatment through the study of organic decay. For me to be ready to take those steps I wanted to take an internship position to familiarize myself with the working environment and communal relationships.

I found this opportunity at the OSU Extension office in The Dalles with the Extension 4-H program, whose mission is to provide meaningful opportunities for all youths and adults to work together to create sustainable community change. I experienced a change as a high school student participating in the VEX Robotics Program, organized by Lu Seapy, 4-H STEM educator in Wasco County.

Through 4-H I was introduced into STEM and I was able to find a calling in my life to help improve the health of our planet and our communities, leading me into the engineering field. This is something that I hope I can give back to youths by introducing them to a multitude of topics like robotics and biology (as a few examples) to provide a groundwork for whatever path they are called to be on.

Not only will I build communal relationships and communication skills, I will also be put into an environment where I am charged with tasks to be done by deadlines. This opportunity provides new habits of scheduling, planning and executive decision-making, when needed.

Being at 4-H I can be a part of the lives of many people within my community, striving to enthrall youths in a variety of ways to encourage them to push themselves to grow in their future careers and as people. Similarly, I will grow with this experience communally and technically to establish the groundwork for my future.