Hello again!

My name is Kimberly Alcaraz and I interned for the Oregon State University Extension Service in Lincoln County with SNAP-Ed and Family and Community Health. I will be going into my second year at Oregon State University in the fall, majoring in public health on the pre-med track. I want to become an emergency medicine physician and do my best to help anyone I can with a minor in Spanish. I was born and raised in Lincoln County, so I was very fortunate to be helping the community I grew up in with the many opportunities this program offers.

Kimberly Alcaraz presenting at a booth in Lincoln County
Kimberly Alcaraz presenting at a booth in Lincoln County. Photo: Felicia Olmeta Schult

My summer with Oregon State University Extension Service was amazing. This internship has been something that I have never done before or even thought I would do. This internship helped me learn about the awareness of social determinants of health, preparing me for the comprehensive perspective, which is key for my future career in the medical field. Being able to interact and listen to other people’s point of views and ideas has reassured my passion of wanting to be a doctor and help people no matter what. It strengthened the idea where understanding and collaborating is key when trying to provide the best care especially when it comes to people’s health. Being able to work in a professional environment during my internship was something I was looking forward to by developing skills like communication, working with others, and problem solving which I hope I continue to use when going through and becoming the doctor I strive to be.

Overall, being a part of food tastings, cooking class demonstrations and our Walk With Ease walking group has shown me how something so little can be so impactful. Food tasting and cooking class demonstrations provide a different point of view on how to approach the food you might have in your pantry and for some people providing the only meal people have a day, which makes me think that there can be change in the world even if it is so little. However, something I will never forget is the walking group I was privileged to be a part of and facilitate. Walk With Ease is a research-based program emphasis for people with arthritis being that it is published by the Arthritis Foundation, but is a program for everybody. Everything about building relationships with participants and them actually coming back for every session because they did feel like walking together was helping them, which made me happy that every day of this program was worth it. I feel that everything I have done in this internship will help me in my future challenges in my career because starting here has helped me shape the person I want to be in my professional career. I will always be grateful for my supervisor, everyone at the office, and OSU Extension for this amazing experience.

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