I am Matthew Harting and I am a mechanical engineering student at Oregon State University. This summer I have been working at the OSU Extension office in Douglas County for 4-H. I haven’t had any prior experience with the Extension Service and my experience with agriculture is also limited. Nevertheless, I have been learning a lot about 4-H and am very grateful for the opportunity to intern with the Extension office. 

Mathew Harting painting at 4-H Clover Bud Camp in Douglas County
Mathew Harting painting at 4-H Clover Bud Camp in Douglas County

Recently, I got the opportunity to teach at the Cloverbud camp in the Discovery Gardens in Roseburg. I was in charge of an exhibit called ‘The Mud Explosion’. When I informed the 4-Hers of this, you may imagine, their anticipation and curiosity were captured. Little did they know, the real display is better described as a small pop. However, they seemed not to care which I was thankful for.

I did the routine three times for three groups. By the time of the third group, I had gotten pretty good at it. The ‘explosion’ worked by filling a vial with runny mud and sealing it with an Alka-Seltzer. Eventually, the Alka-Seltzer would produce enough gass that it would blow open the vial it was in and make a muddy mess all over the launch pad (construction paper). The highest we vial we were able to launch landed in a small tree. Whomever wished to take the remaining muddy paper home then would be able to, undoubtedly to their parents’ delight. 

Beyond the Cloverbud camp, I most look forward to the looming Douglas County Fair. Most of the work I have done thus far in my internship has been in preparation it. Before I became involved, I didn’t fully realize or appreciate all of the work it takes to have a county fair every year. I’m well aware now. 

My job there will be to help with the daily tasks, such as counting and running ribbons to the appropriate places as well as any odd job that may come up and require attention. I am looking forward to this a lot! Regardless, in my second blog post I’m sure I will have plenty to say regarding Fair.

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