A woman stands in front of a brightly painted bulletin board and gives the thumbs up gesture.
Johanna Simonson, 4-H summer intern, in front of her finished bulletin boards.
Photo credit: Kelly Simonson

Wow, this summer has gone by fast! I feel like I shouldn’t even be writing my final blog post, but given there is only two weeks left of my internship, it makes sense.

This summer has been such an eye-opening experience. I experienced multiple facets of Extension. Right after I wrote my last blog post, I taught at a Cloverbud Day Camp at Extension’s Discovery Garden. That was enjoyable for me as well as the kids and quite a coincidence considering I was just telling my family how much I missed the kids at the daycare I worked at during school!

My next adventure was in Snap-Ed. That day I drove with a co-worker to Canyonville to set up a booth with samples of Couscous Salad and recipes to hand out at the farmer’s market. The majority of people trying out the sample loved it! A lot of people came back for more, and almost all the recipes we printed out were gone! It was a huge success. Not only that, but I got to learn more about my co-worker. Even though we were different ages, we still had many things in common, which was a delightful surprise.

Another experience I had was a “Mud and Manure” event. This may not sound like a lot of fun to some people and probably slightly disturbing. However, it was actually very educational, and I loved driving out to the farms to see some soil conservation designs around high-traffic livestock areas. I was impressed that the designs have lasted almost a decade, too. Through this event I got an idea of how I would like my job to look in the future. After the event, it wasn’t really planned to go on a farm call,  but I am grateful that we did because it really helped me understand the fuller extent of what being a livestock and forage agent for Extension looks like.

A woman in a pink top stands at a table and makes candles with two kids in white shirts
Johanna Simonson making candles with 4-H.
Photo credit: Kelly Simonson

After this it was time to prepare for the fair. The main events I took charge of were line dancing, candle making, and the bulletin boards in the fairgrounds’ exhibit building. After hours of planning, preparation and creation, everything was finished.

At least 30 people attended the line dancing event. Everybody learned three new dances, which is a lot considering temperatures reached 90 degrees! The candle making event went so well that we ran out of soy wax after making around 25 candles. Even though the paper to decorate the bulletin boards came late, I improvised and painted them instead. Honestly, I am glad I did because they look WAY better than paper décor would. People actually liked the bulletin boards so much they took pictures in front of them. I am very pleased with my events at the fair, even if there were some things that needed to be improved.

Overall, I would say that this internship has been a great experience. I learned more about myself, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and I strengthened my self-discipline muscle. This internship has shown me that I am stronger than I thought I was in multiple areas of my life, and I am fearful to think of where I would be without having participated in this internship. I am extremely thankful to everyone who made it happen. So long, until next time!

May y’all be blessed,
Johanna Simonson

Grace Ogden giving her closing presentation at the Morrow County Board of Commissioners meeting on August 2, 2023.
Photo credit: Julie Baker

Hello again! My name is Grace Ogden, and I am a student intern in Morrow County with the Oregon State University Extension Service. I am just about to begin my second year of school at Oklahoma State University, working towards a degree in animal science business. This summer I did a majority of my work preparing for county fair with OSU Extension 4-H in Morrow County. I have also gotten the opportunity to work with our crops specialist Larry Lutcher on a couple of projects of his this summer.

As my internship came to an end, I was able to reflect on my summer and see that I had so many opportunities and learned so much. I organized a group day-camp for our 4-H Cloverbuds and planned and facilitated lesson plans for our local daycare – teaching about the importance of seeds, and a lesson on soil horizons. I worked with judges, volunteers, donors, and families to prepare for the events of the Morrow County Fair and Livestock Auction, which also included helping plan, organize, and execute pre-fair contests.

I organized a potluck dinner for the annual South Morrow County Crop tour, updated and developed our webpage and social media platforms, created flyers, posts, and letters to send throughout our wide range of recipients and attended meetings serving as a representative for our office and county. I recently gave a presentation to the Morrow County Board of Commissioners recapping my summer with Oregon State Extension.

I worked with OSU Extension in this same office during my senior year of high school and loved the work I did so much. It was bittersweet to leave last June in order to work harvest before leaving for college, and even more bittersweet leaving the office for the second time this August due to school starting. I have been extremely lucky to have the opportunity to have Julie Baker and Larry not only as my supervisors and coworkers, but also as my friends. I have always had a passion for agriculture, specifically agricultural education, so I especially loved working in this position. I gained so much knowledge, experience, and relationships during my time in the county office, and I hope to be back very soon.

Three women pose for a selfie on the shore.
Yolanda Diaz, Kiera Briner (Chief Science Officer) and Barbara Brody (Associate professor of practice, FCH) attended the Chief Science Officer National Conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
Photo credit: Yolanda Diaz

My OSU Extension Internship experience has been life-changing, to say the least. It has been filled with professional development, mentorship and valuable work. My journey with Extension began as a Malheur Works intern during the first year of the program. The program strives to provide recent high school graduates with an opportunity for workforce development. MW Internship program also focuses on meeting local industry needs by fostering youth with professional skills to become equipped employees. The internship program also offers paid internships for students, enabling them to prepare for future employment or higher education.

After graduating high school, I was placed at OSU Extension Service.  At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect from my internship, but I ended up loving it! Thankfully, I was offered an extended internship that started the following summer after my first year of college. My time with Extension has allowed me to grow professionally, and I was thrilled to return once again in the summer of 2023. I have now completed three summer internships with Extension.

A classroom full of young people stand around two tables.
Malheur Works interns and Yolanda Diaz (center).
Interns participated in an activity prepared by Yolanda at Professional Development Day.
Photo credit: Barbara Brody

I’m beyond grateful to say OSU Extension has provided me job security during my college career. I look forward to coming home each summer to continue meaningful work in the community. During my internships, I was able to enhance my leadership skills and take on additional roles and responsibilities each year. My overarching goal includes outreach and engagement with community partners to address needs in the community. Each summer, the needs we focus on has varied. The solutions and approaches that I’ve seen to resolve the issues Malheur County is facing have been creative and culturally sensitive. My education in social work has taught me the importance of meeting people where they are and practicing cultural empathy. I’m pleased that I have gained a broader perspective on the issues affecting my county and the effective measures taken to tackle them.

Two women work on computers at a table and smile for the camera.
Nickie Shira (Director of Frontier STEM Hub) and Yolanda Diaz, working on youth workforce development.
Photo credit: Barbara Brody

This summer, I had the chance to work with the Malheur Works Internship program. My role was to help develop additional activities and provide input during the professional development days to engage the interns and enhance their learning experience. Contributing to this program was personally meaningful to me, as I had benefited from it before, and I wanted others to have the same positive experience. Through my work with the MW program, I learned about the significance of providing workforce development opportunities in rural communities. I was pleased to hear about the positive impact the program had on each intern during the marketing and promotional events.

It’s bittersweet to realize that my time as an OSU Intern is coming to an end, as I never truly realized what a wonderful journey I had begun. Nevertheless, I’m certain that my involvement with Extension won’t come to an end after this year, as it has greatly influenced my career path. I’m grateful to my co-workers, colleagues, and supervisors who have provided me with a safe and enjoyable environment to develop my skills. Being surrounded by individuals who are passionate and supportive of the work we do every day is something that never goes unnoticed. Finally, I’d like to express my gratitude to OSU Extension Service for granting me an unforgettable opportunity. My passion for Extension continues to flourish as I work towards serving Malheur County every single day.

– Yolanda Diaz

A lineup of people ready to start toy cars.
Kids built solar powered cars at the renewable energy summer camp at Columbia Gorge Community College.
Photo credit: Lu Seapy.

Hello, my name is Theo Sandoz, and I am excited to be back for my  second year as an intern with Oregon State University Extension Service in Wasco County.  I am a student at OSU studying nuclear engineering.  Returning to the Wasco office feels like I never left, and the office is still as busy as ever.  I am working alongside Keon Kiser who is also a returning intern for Wasco County.  Our biggest project for the summer is planning and helping to facilitate S.T.E.M. day camps in Wasco County.  There are other projects, especially those involving our county fair, that I am also very keen on doing.

First and foremost, we have our summer camps.  So far, I have helped put on many day camps, including Aerodrone Academy, Galactic Quest and Renewables.  The Areodrone camp had our campers learning how to program and fly small drones.  Throughout this two-day camp we challenged all the campers to fly through and around obstacles and land on specific landing pads while directly controlling the drone and while the drone moved autonomously.

Another great camp that we put on is called Galactic Quest.  The curriculum for this camp comes directly from national 4-H and was a blast.  The campers made telescopes and cypher wheels and we played a lot of the Astro Adventure board game (Think Catan Spacefarers).

The most recent camp was our Renewables camp.  In this two-day camp we spent the first day learning all about solar energy and then everyone built a small solar car and got to take it home.  The second day was all about wind energy.  With a few model turbines and some box fans we were able to turn the classroom into a wind tunnel and teach kids about turbine blade design and its effect on the power that wind turbines produce.  The camps are incredibly fulfilling to put on as many of the campers get very invested in what we are teaching and bring their wild imagination to these fun events.

As August is fast approaching it is time to begin prepping for the Wasco County Fair and  Rodeo.  The Wasco County Fair runs Aug. 17-20 this year.  This is my first year since 2012 that I have not participated in 4-H as a member.  I still want to be as helpful as possible for those that are in 4-H and help put on an absolutely rocking fair and continue to do so for years to come.  Because of my position as an intern, I have unique access to planning and operating certain events at the fair.  I am most excited to work with Leah Lowe, Wasco County Extension 4-H program coordinator, on a new Livestock and Poultry Skill-a-Thon for the 2023 Fair.  This is something that we started hosting last year and we plan to expand on last year’s vision and make the Skill-a-Thon a fully fledged event that can continue to be something 4-H members in Wasco County look forward to in years to come.

For the next month there are many more projects and camps that I cannot wait to tackle!

Two women in orange OSU clothing sit facing the camera with their arms around each other.
Tayleur Baker and Supervisor, Christine Stokely enjoy working the promotional booth at the Team Beef Ranch Run in Hines, Oregon.
Photo Credit: Susan Doverspike

Hello again! For those of you who may have forgotten or never received the opportunity to read my first blog post, my name is Tayleur Baker, and I am a summer intern this year at the OSU Extension office in Harney County.

Although it feels like I just started, this week, unfortunately, will be the last of my 10 weeks as an intern. As I mentioned in a prior blog post, I previously whelped manage my local 4-H program, attended the 2023 Oregon 4-H Summer Conference, worked with communications in Extension, and have also been preparing for the fair. In addition to these activities, I have been busy at work with various other adventures this past month.

A woman in jeans, a white top and a hat stands on a gravel road in front of an old truck.
Tayleur Baker poses for her senior picture at her family’s fifth generation cattle ranch.
Photo Credit: Leah Planinz

Since I last posted, I have harnessed the drive to draft two event plans for my county within the 4-H program. The first plan includes details for planning and executing a Cloverbud day camp for students ages 5–8 in hopes of recruiting youth into the 4-H program. The second is a plan for the implementation of a youth advocacy workshop. I am passionate about this experience, as it reflects and relates to a good portion of what I stand for — youth empowerment, strong agriculture communities and students learning how they can change the world. Through designing these programs, I have been able to serve my community and spark a creative idea for the future. I am eager to see the harvest now that the imagination seed is growing.

Another activity that I have engaged in has been working with the foreign exchange program on finding homes for foreign exchange students. Through this experience, I have spoken on the local radio station and have communicated on both the Extension Facebook page and through local posters. One of my highlights from this initiative has been meeting one of the Japanese chaperones, Saki. Saki is kind and service minded, and I have loved meeting her. Her creative origami is stunning, and she has plans to host a class for students this week — I am so excited to watch her share this aspect of her life!

Brightly colored origami pinwheels
Origami gifts from Saki.
Photo credit: Tayleur Baker

As mentioned earlier, this week is my last , which is bittersweet. Throughout my internship, I have learned about Extension, my community and more about myself. I have grown as an individual and have professionally developed my skills as a communicator, leader and advocate, for which I am forever grateful. My favorite part of this experience has been the ability to work with the youth in my community and serve those around me. I have learned the importance of investing in the next generation and contributing to the future of our communities. Leaving an impact is connected to what we do daily and the habits we build based on our goals. Through my internship, I learned the importance of setting goals daily and keeping the desired impact in mind as I worked during the day.

I recommend this internship to any student searching to grow their skills and professionally develop. This internship promotes the discovery of what you enjoy and encourages building a powerhouse resume through professional exposure. My advice to future interns is this: Tailor the experience to yourself, and don’t limit your imagination. I wanted to explore the realm of communications, and it was my focus through my experience in Extension. If you are curious about the research aspect, make it happen. If you are interested in elementary education, take that route. You will get out of this opportunity what you put into it, so make the most of it!

Although this chapter is ending for me, I am ecstatic about the chance to start writing a new one. In the fall, I will study at Oregon State University, majoring in agriculture and communications. I look forward to more opportunities to serve others and strive to make the world a better place. I desire to not only ignite my light, but I long to empower the spark in others to shine as well.  Thank you for this experience!


A woman in a gray sweatshirt sits outside at a table covered in a green checked tablecloth
Madelyn Bloom manning the table at the Klamath County farmers market.
Photo credit: Jordan Rainwater

Hi everyone, it’s Madelyn Bloom again. I can’t believe the summer is over. As I finish up my internship with OSU Extension in Klamath County, I reflect and see that it’s been an amazing experience. The people I have been able to work with and learn from have been so special to me. I’m going to miss coming and working with them. Also, the work I have been doing has been fulfilling, to see project ideas like the art calendar come to life or the special event ideas for the Klamath County Farmers Market. Something memorable about my summer internship has been learning all about how OSU Extension works, from people bringing bugs into the front office to being at the fair. I also got to help with Produce Connection, which is such an incredible program.

Customer location dot survey.
Photo credit: Madelyn Bloom

By far my favorite project which I worked on and was able to lead was reaching out to different community members and organizations inviting them to come and have a booth at the farmers market. I was able to find a special event for every Saturday of the market which helped boost attendance at the market. The market is so special. If you ever find yourself in Klamath Falls in the summer make sure to stop by.

I would like to thank everyone in the Extension office in Klamath County for making my summer experience amazing. I would also like to thank the Klamath County Farmers Market for showing me so many cool and interesting ways of how farmers markets work. I would highly recommend the OSU Extension internship to any students who are looking for an internship. Thank you so much for a great summer.


A picture in picture of a woman in a room filled with tables of green books.
Working with kids’ record books and organizing them by club.
Photo credit: Fernanda Juarez

Hi everyone! My name is Fernanda Juarez and I’m currently working my second internship here at the OSU Extension office in Malheur County. Last year I worked here for the first time under a different internship program and this returning year I’m with OSU. I’m mainly working with 4-H Youth Development and helping organize our county fair.

In Malheur County in order to show at the fair, 4-H’ers are asked to do an interview about their projects that they’ve been doing throughout the year. So far during my internship we’ve been getting ready for 4-H interviews and while doing so I’ve been reaching out to parents in order to schedule a record book interview for their kids. Since 4-H offers a variety of activities for kids to do as projects it’s exciting to see what different things everyone is doing!

We believe that these interviews are beneficial for the kids as they are able to show and demonstrate their responsible and social skills towards themselves and their project. They speak on topics such as how they grow their animal, sewed a dress or painted a picture. These kids are able to identify what they have been able to learn and how they can apply it to their everyday lives.

Once the process for interviews is over, we then take the kids’ record books and double check their scores after the judges finish scoring them in order to make sure everything is correct, while organizing the books into their club groups so we could return them to the club leaders.



Two people in brimmed hats look at a yellow flower.
Avry Miller and a member of the Regenerative Farming Fellowship.
Photo credit: Alyson Yates.

Hello readers!  My name is Alyson Yates, and I am a multimedia intern for OSU Extension Communications.  I am a senior in the Oregon State University Agriculture and Natural Resource Program, where I am earning a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences. This is my third year in the OSU Extension internship program.

After spending the past two summers working in 4-H and agricultural research in my home of Lake County, I hoped to expand my view of Extension beyond the county level.  The Extension Communications internship was a fantastic opportunity for me to get involved in a new way, by contributing my skills in photography and video to further the mission of Extension through outreach and engagement.  Additionally, I saw the Extension Communications internship as a valuable way to gain digital media experience and further develop my professional portfolio.

Five young men stand ready to aim bows.
Curry County shooting sports members.
Photo credit: Alyson Yates

I began my internship eight weeks ago, setting out with my camera in hand to document the work of Extension professionals and their impact on Oregon’s communities.  One of my goals is to capture the diversity of Extension’s programming— through 4-H youth development, agriculture, natural resources, family and community health, and more.  To accomplish this, I’ve photographed youth camps, educational classes, field research, farmers markets, tours with local producers, and meetings with stakeholders.  Along the way, I am also creating video interviews of Extension staff, interns, volunteers, and youth leaders answering the question, “What does Extension mean to you?”

So far, my work has taken me to nine counties around the state, with many more yet to come.  As I continue to learn about the many ways that Extension serves people in every corner of Oregon, I can’t help but feel more excited about my journey to capture the mission of Extension!

I’m now in my last full week of my OSU Extension internship. This summer has flown by with so many fun events and learning experiences. I can’t believe my internship is almost finished. Throughout this summer, I have had the opportunity to help with and plan many projects. I got to assist with a Farm to School Camp. I got to help teach kids about healthy eating, gardening and making some Food Hero recipes. I started this project right at the beginning of my internship and it taught me a lot about Food Hero and the vast range of topics SNAP-Ed covers.

Four women in orange shirts that say Food Hero stand in front of tall sunflowers.
Pendleton and Hermiston’s SNAP-Ed team (from left to
right) Maria-Ximena Williams, Madeline Breiling, Karsynn Olivas and Carolina Muniz.
Photo credit: Karen Wagner

I have also had the opportunity to help with teaching the Growing Healthy Kids curriculum in the Hermiston Library. This project was run by the Hermiston SNAP-Ed team, but I was very excited to be able to assist in the class. This class was unique compared to the other events I participated in because it was usually the same families every week. This meant we could start to develop a relationship with these families and see them grow and get more comfortable with the class.

I’ve also had the opportunity to hand out free food samples and educate the public about Food Hero at both the Pendleton Farmers Market and the Milton-Freewater farmers market. I’ve always loved attending the Pendleton farmers market, so getting to hand out free food samples was a very fun experience. I got to choose the recipes, make the food, make handouts of the recipe and hand out the food samples to the public.

The project that I’m the proudest of is handing out free food samples at the summer meal site in Pendleton. For this project I picked all the recipes, made all of the handouts and handed out the food samples by myself. I decided to do an around-the-world theme for the food samples for the month of July. I wanted to show that you can edit and combine Food Hero recipes to make dishes from all over the world, and I wanted to introduce people to flavors and new recipes. I also wanted to show people that you can make interesting meals while on a budget. I love cooking and creating recipes, so I really loved this project.

Overall, I feel so proud of all my work with OSU Extension this summer. I was able to help and take the lead on such a variety of projects. I want to give a huge thank you to Shevon Hatcher for knowing the answer to every single question I could ever think of; Maria-Ximena Williams for letting me take the lead on projects while also always being there to support me; and Carolina Muniz for including me in some of Hermiston’s projects.

-Madeline Breiling


A handheld device measures grape leaves.
An LI 600 porometer helps measure stomatal conductance of grape leaves in a vineyard near Milton-Freewater.
Photo credit: Melinda Cramp

Hi all, my name is Melinda Cramp! This summer I am fortunate enough to be interning  with OSU extension in my home county of Umatilla. I spend half my time in Milton-Freewater mainly focusing on vineyards with my supervisor Cody Copp, and the other half at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center (CBARC) in Adams helping with dryland farming projects. I just wrapped up my first year of school at Central Washington University, majoring in environmental sciences with a geography specialization. Having the ability to come back home and work on the agricultural and horticultural issues that face my community daily makes this internship even more rewarding. I am also able to explore future career opportunities.

A man in a red shirt leans back against a combine in a wheat field.
Fellow intern Mason Langford rests against a combine about to harvest a wheat trial at CBARC.
Photo credit: Melinda Cramp

Some projects that I’ve been able to help with in the vineyards include cover cropping, magnesium deficiency prevention and the usage of Kaolin clay to suppress grape leafhoppers. At CBARC I’ve aided in the harvest, cleaning, processing and data collection of many variety trials, including winter and spring canola, hemp, wheat and peaola (pea and canola intercropping).

I have really enjoyed learning how to use new equipment this summer, like the LI-600 porometer, which measures stomatal conductance on grape leaves. I’ve also worked on combines/swathers that harvest all sorts of agricultural goods. My hope is by the end of this internship I’ll be comfortable operating all sorts of equipment and feel confident in my ability to record and analyze data.