Hello everyone, my name is Celilo Brun. I grew up in the Hood River Valley where I was a part of OSU Extension 4-H for as long as I can remember, and FFA. After I graduated from high school, I moved to Joseph, Oregon, where took a year off of school to serve as the 2020-21 Oregon FFA state treasurer. As treasurer, I learned more about agriculture while helping kids find their passion in ag and FFA. I also started my own show cattle company, Hurricane Cattle Co. This allowed me to continue to fuel my passion for the livestock industry. Fun fact: I have shown cattle in over 10 states!

This past school year I attended Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) where I am majoring in agriculture communications. On top of my schooling, I am on the Livestock Judging Team, Show Team, and I am the president of our Block and Bridle Club (a collegiate agriculture club). After my sophomore year at EWC I plan on transferring to a university to continue my education and livestock judging.
If you can’t tell, my passions have always been for agriculture and advocating for the future of agriculture. I believe that advocating for the future generations in agriculture is essential because they become the future leaders in agriculture. In my future I would like to be a traveling sales representative for an agriculture-related company, as well as continuing to be an agricultural advocate through seminars and leadership opportunities.

I began my internship in the OSU Extension office in Wallowa County at the beginning of June. I jumped right into planning and preparing for the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show. From there I have been helping the SNAP-Ed nutrition program by attending summer lunch programs, the Wallowa County Watershed Festival, and facilitating workshops to kiddos in the Building Healthy Families summer program. During the slower days I have been preparing for the Wallowa County Fair, Tri-County 4-H Camp, and my cattle clinic. This time of year it’s crazy in the Extension office with deadlines, fair, and various events that have been taking place!
Ever since I joined 4-H in fourth grade I thought OSU Extension has been a very positive and welcoming environment. I have attended workshops and done various projects though extension and I never once felt like I wasn’t at home. The staff are some of the hardest working people I know, and they want everyone to succeed in what they are doing. Extension agents and staff are truly superheroes.