Hello From Coos County! I’m Carrie Harris, and I’m a part of the inaugural cohort of the Oregon State University Extension Service interns.

Carrie Harris

I’m currently a student at Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls, Oregon, studying pre-nursing and hoping to get accepted into the nursing program this upcoming February. I grew up in Myrtle Point, Oregon, which is also where I will be working this summer alongside my supervisor Elissa Wells.

I have always lived in Myrtle Point and grew up heavily involved in various aspects of the community. In fourth grade I joined the Coos County 4-H program, eventually becoming a youth representative and 4-H ambassador as well as an active member and camp counselor during the summer. I competed in sports throughout high school as well, primarily enjoying cross-country and track. I was also involved in the Myrtle Point FFA chapter, eventually becoming the chapter reporter and chapter president.

Carrie Harris getting ready to show her cow at the fair.

Myrtle Point is a very small town, with a population of around 2,550. Being such a small town, and my involvement in so many different activities, I quickly became known as the one to go to if anyone was looking for help. I attended school board meetings and gave reports on athletics and the FFA chapter, as well as visited elementary classes to help educate them about nutrition and agriculture. I have always been invested in helping better my community and am looking forward to the opportunity to do so this summer through the internship.

Throughout the summer I will primarily be helping with the 4-H program in Coos County, but I also hope to incorporate community activities into the internship as well. My first impression of the OSU Extension Service was that it was heavily involved in community wellness and leadership opportunities. I always appreciated the skills that 4-H taught me, and hope to find new ways to better the community. I am excited for the new experiences this summer will bring!

Carrie Harris showing a cow.

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