Current and past members of the Epps research group are bolded.
Barry, BR, JD Holbrook, JC Vogeler, LH Elliott, MJ Weldy, DB Lesmeister, CW Epps, T Wilson, KT Vierling. 2024. Using spaceborne LIDAR to reveal drivers of animal demography. Ecological Applications. doi: 10.1002/eap.3048
Tsuchida, DY, MF Gentzkow, RS Spaan, J Burco, CE Couch, JM Spaan, CW Epps, and BR Beechler. 2024. Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) with higher whole blood selenium levels have improved survival and altered immune responses. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 60(3): 721-726.
Epps, CW, PB Holton, RJ Monello, RS Crowhurst, SM Gaulke, WM Janousek, TG Creech, and T Graves. 2024. Population and spatial dynamics of desert bighorn sheep in Grand Canon during an outbreak of respiratory pneumonia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12: 1377214. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1377214
Aiello, CM, NL Galloway, K Fratella, PR Prentice, NW Darby, DL Hughson, and CW Epps. 2024. Highway underpasses offer little fragmentation relief for desert bighorn sheep near Mojave National Preserve, CA. California Fish and Wildlife Scientific Journal,
Epps, CW, RS Crowhurst, RS Spaan, MJ Weldy, and HF Tavalire. 2024. Influence of climate and landscape on genetic differentiation of aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) in southern Africa. Diversity and Distributions.
Bleich, V, CM Aiello, CW Epps, and JD Wehausen. 2023. Green energy projects at odds with conservation. Science, 380(6649):1021.
Laliberte, C, A Devan-Song, JD Burco, CE Couch, MF Gentzkow, RS Spaan, CW Epps, and BR Beechler. 2023. A simple biochemical plasma test as an indicator of maternal energy balance predicts offspring survival in bighorn sheep. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 1106635.
Whiting, JC, VC Bleich, RT Bowyer, and CW Epps. 2023. Restoration of bighorn sheep: history, successes, and remaining conservation issues. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 1083350.
Murphy, CA, W Gerth, T Neal, K Antonelli, JL Sanders, T Williams, R-L Roennfeldt, RS Crowhurst, and I Arismendi. 2023. Evidence for infection influencing survival of the freshwater copepod Salmincola californiensis, a parasite of Pacific salmon and trout. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health,
Aiello, CM, NL Galloway, PR Prentice, NW Darby, D Hughson, and CW Epps. 2023. Movement models and simulation reveal highway impacts and mitigation opportunities for a metapopulation-distributed species. Landscape Ecology 38:1085-1103.
Beever, EA, JL Wilkening, PD Billman, L Thurman, KA Ernest, DH Wright, AM Gill, AC Craighead, NA Helmstetter, LK Svancara, MJ Camp, S Bhattacharyya, J Fitzgerald, JMR Hirose, ML Westover, FD Gerraty, KB Klingler, DA Schmidt, DK Ryals, RN Brown, SL Clark, N Clayton, GH Collins, KA Cutting, DF Doak, CW Epps, JE Foley, J French, CL Hayes, ZA Mills, L Moyer-Horner, LB Nichols, KB Orlofsky, MM Peacock, NC Penzel, J Peterson, NG Ramsay, T Rickman, MM Robinson, HL Robison, KMC Rowe, KC Rowe, MA Russello, AB Smith, JAE Stewart, WW Thompson, JH Thorne, MD Waterhouse, SS Weber, and KC Wilson. 2023. Geographic and taxonomic variation in adapative capacity among mountain-dwelling small mammals: implications for conservation status and actions. Biological Conservation, 282:109942.
Dugovich, BS, BR Beecher, BP Dolan, RS Crowhurst, BJ Gonzalez, JG Powers, DL Hughson, RK Vu, CW Epps*, and AE Jolles*. 2023. Population connectivity patterns of genetic diversity, immune responses, and exposure to infectious pneumonia in a metapopulation of desert bighorn sheep. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92:1456-1469.
* shared senior authors
Dekelaita, D, CW Epps, D German, J Powers, BJ Gonzales, R Abella-Vu, N Darby, D Hughson, and KM Stewart. 2023. Animal movement and infectious disease risk in a metapopulation. Royal Society Open Science, 10(2):220390.
Stewart, AM, MM Conner, JS McKeever, A Ellsworth, RS Crowhurst, CW Epps, and TR Stephenson. 2023. Comparing fecal DNA capture-recapture to mark-resight for estimating abundance of mule deer on winter ranges. Journal of Wildlife Management, 87(2): 1-19.
Painter, LE, MJ Weldy, RS Crowhurst, LN Carraway, and CW Epps. 2022. Landscape genetics of the camas pocket gopher (Thomomys bulbivorus), an endemic mammal of Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Western North American Naturalist, 82:479-493.
Couch, CE and CW Epps. 2022. Host, microbiome, and complex space: applying population and landscape genetic approaches to gut microbiome research in wild populations. Journal of Heredity, 113: 221-234.
Davis, LG, DB Madsen, DA Sisson, L Valdivia-Becerra, T Higham, D Stueber, D Bean, AJ Nyers, A Carroll, C Ryder, M Sponheimer, M Izuho, F Iizuka, G Li, CW Epps, and FK Halford. 2022. Dating of a Large Tool Assemblage at the Cooper’s Ferry Site (Idaho, USA) to ~15,785 cal yr B.P. Extends the Age of Stemmed Points in the Americas. Science Advances 8:eade1248. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.ade1248
Weldy, MJ, DB Lesmeister, and CW Epps. 2022. Emigration effects on estimates of age- and sex-specific survival of two sciurids. Ecology and Evolution, 12(4):e8833.
Epps, CW, MJ Weldy, RS Crowhurst, and RS Spaan. 2021. Estimating the distribution and habitat suitability for aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) in Kruger National Park, South Africa. African Journal of Ecology, Published Online.
Epps, CW, VM Petro, TG Creech, RS Crowhurst, MJ Weldy, and JD Taylor. 2021. Landscape genetics of American beaver in coastal Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management, 85: 1462-1475.
Pfeiler, SS, MM Conner, JS McKeever, RS Crowhurst, CW Epps, GP Mulcahy, EP Meredith, and TR Stephenson. 2021. Estimating abundance of desert mule deer using fecal DNA-based capture-recapture. Western North American Naturalist, 81: 40-53.
Dolan, BP, B Beechler, B Dugovich, A Jolles, and CW Epps. 2021. Immunogenetic variation at MHC class I loci in desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) reflects natural and anthropogenic fragmentation. The Journal of Immunology, 26: supplement 1, 19.06.
Couger, MB, SW Roy, N Anderson, L Gozashti, S Pirro, LS Millward, M Kim, D Kilburn, KJ Liu, TM Wilson, CW Epps, L Dizney, LA Ruedas, and P Campbell. 2021. Sex chromosome transformation and the origin of a male-specific X chromosome in the creeping vole. Science, 372: 592-600. 10.1126/science.abg7019
Shirkey, N, A Roug, T Besser, VC Bleich, N Darby, D Dekelaita, NL Galloway, B Gonzales, D Hughson, L Konde, R Monello, PR Prentice, R Vu, J Wehausen, B Munk, J Powers, and CW Epps. 2021. Previously unrecognized exposure of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) to Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in the California Mojave Desert. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 57: 447-452.
Spaan, RS, CW Epps, R Crowhurst, D Whittaker, M Cox, and A Duarte. 2021. Impact of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae on juvenile bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) survival in the northern Basin and Range ecosystem. PeerJ, 9:e10710
Pfeiler, SS, MM Conner, JS McKeever, TR Stephenson, DW German, RS Crowhurst, PR Prentice, and CW Epps. 2020. Costs and precision of fecal DNA mark-recapture versus traditional mark-resight. Wildlife Society Bulletin,
Creech, TG, CW Epps, JD Wehausen, RS Crowhurst, JR Jaeger, K Longshore, B Holton, WB Sloan, and RJ Monello. 2020. Genetic and environmental indicators of climate change vulnerability for desert bighorn sheep. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,
Epps, CW. Connecting the desert mountains. Desert Report; Sierra Club California and Nevada – Desert Committee, March 2020: pp 10-11.
Dekelaita, DJ, CW Epps, KM Stewart, JS Sedinger, JG Powers, BJ Gonzales, RK Abella-Vu, NW Darby, and DL Hughson. 2020. Survival of adult female bighorn sheep following a pneumonia epizootic. Journal of Wildlife Management,
Couch, CE, HK Arnold, RS Crowhurst, AE Jolles, TJ Sharpton, MF Witczak, CW Epps, and BR Beechler. 2020. Bighorn sheep gut microbiomes associate with genetic and spatial structure across a metapopulation. Scientific Reports, 10: 6582.
Edelhoff, H, FE Zachos, J Fickel, CW Epps, and N Balkenhol. 2020. Genetic analysis of red deer (Cervus elaphus) administrative management units in a human-dominated landscape. Conservation Genetics, 21: 261-276.
Kashyap, A, A Rhodes, B Kronmiller, J Berger, A Champagne, EW Davis, MV Finnegan, M Geniza, D Hendrix, CV Lohr, VM Petro, TJ Sharpton, J Wells, C W Epps, P Jaiswal, BM Tyler, and S Ramsey. 2020. Pan-tissue transcriptome analysis of long noncoding RNAs in the American beaver Castor canadensis. BMC Genomics, 21: 1-20.
Weldy, M, CW Epps, DB Lesmeister, T Manning and ED Forsman. 2020. Spatiotemporal dynamics in vital rates of Humboldt’s flying squirrels and Townsend’s chipmunks in late-successional forests. Journal of Mammalogy, 101: 187-198.
Spaan, RS, CW Epps, V Ezenwa, and AE Jolles. 2019. Why did the buffalo cross the park? Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of dispersal by female African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). Ecology and Evolution 9(10):5651-5663. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5145.
Davis, LG, DB Madsen, L Becerra-Valdivia, T Higham, DA Sisson, SM Skinner, D Stueber, AJ Nyers, A Keen-Zebert, C Neudor, M Cheyney, M Izuho, F Iizuka, SR Burns, CW Epps, SC Willis, and I Buvit. 2019. Late Upper Paleolithic occupation at Cooper’s Ferry, Idaho, USA, ~16,000 years ago. Science 365, 891 LP – 897.
Smythe, S, DM Sanchez, and CW Epps. 2019. Contrasting moose nutritional carrying capacity models on a dynamic landscape. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 10: 163-179.
Smith, AB, EA Beever, AE Kessler, AN Johnston, C Ray, CW Epps, HC Lanier, RC Klinger, TJ Rodhouse, J Varner, JD Perrine, A Seglund, LE Hall, K Galbreath, C MacGlover, P Billman, G Blatz, J Brewer, J Castillo Vardaro, AD Chalfoun, G Collins, A Craighead, C Curlis, C Daly, DF Doak, M East, M Edwards, L Erb, KA Ernest, B Fauver, KR Foresman, K Goehring, J Hagar, CL Hayes, P Henry, K Hersey, SL Hilty, J Jacobson, MR Jeffress, T Manning, A Masching, B Maxell, R McCollough, C McFarland, E Miskow, TL Morelli, L Moyer-Horner, M Mueller, M Nugent, B Pratt, M Rasmussen-Flores, TH Rickman, H Robison, A Rodriguez, K Rowe, K Rowe, MA Russello, V Saab, A Schmidt, JAE Stewart, JN Stuart, LK Svancara, W Thompson, J Timmins, G Treinish, MD Waterhouse, ML Westover, J Wilkening, and L Yandow. 2019. Alternatives to genetic affinity as a context for within-species response to climate. Nature Climate Change 9, 787–794.
Chen, L., Q Qiu, Y Jiang, K Wang, Z Lin, Z Li, F Bibi, Y Yang, J Wang, W Nie, W Su, G Liu, Q Li, W Fu, X Pan, C Liu, J Yang, C Zhang, Y Yin, Y Wang, Y Zhao, C Zhang, Z Wang, Y Qin, W Liu, B Wang, Y Ren, R Zhang, Y Zeng, RR da Fonseca, B Wei, R Li, W Wan, R Zhao, W Zhu, Y Wang, S Duan, Y Gao, YE Zhang, C Chen, C Hvilsom, CW Epps, LG Chemnick, Y Dong, S Mirarab, HR Siegismund, OA Ryder, MTP Gilbert, HA Lewin, G Zhang, R Heller, and W Wang. 2019. Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits. Science 364:eaav6202.
weedy, PJ, KM Moriarty, JD Bailey, and CW Epps. 2019. Using fine scale resolution vegetation data from LiDAR and ground-based sampling to predict Pacific marten resting habitat at multiple spatial scales. Forest Ecology and Management 452, 117556.Weldy, MJ, TM Wilson, TM, Lesmeister, D. B., and Epps, C. W. 2019. Effects of trapping effort and trap placement on estimating abundance of Humboldt’s flying squirrels Ed J. Schipper. PeerJ 7, e7783.
Gille, DA, MR Buchalski, D Conrad, ES Rubin, A Munig, BF Wakeling, CW Epps, TG Creech, R Crowhurst, B Holton, R Monello, WM Boyce, MCT Penedo, and HB Ernest. 2019. Genetic outcomes of translocation of bighorn sheep in Arizona. The Journal of Wildlife Management, doi:
Weldy, MJ, CW Epps, DB Lesmeister, T Manning, MA Linnell, and ED Forsman. 2019. Abundance and ecological associations of small mammals. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 83: 902-915. doi:
Castillo Vardaro, JA, CW Epps, BW Frable, and C Ray. 2018. Identification of a contact zone and hybridization for two subspecies of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) within a single protected area. PLoS ONE, 13:e0199032. doi:
Rodhouse, TJ, MR Jeffress, KR Sherrill, SR Mohren, NJ Nordensten, ML Magnuson, D Schwalm, JA Castillo, M Shinderman, and CW Epps. 2018. Geographical variation in the influence of habitat and climate on site occupancy turnover in American pika (Ochotona princeps). Biodiversity Research, doi:
Epps, CW, RS Crowhurst, and BS Nickerson. 2018. Assessing changes in functional connectivity in a desert bighorn sheep metapopulation after two generations. Molecular Ecology, 27: 2334-2346. doi:
Masseloux, J, CW Epps, A Duarte, D Schwalm, and M Wykstra. 2018. Using detection/non-detection surveys and interviews to assess carnivore site use in Kenya. African Journal of Wildlife Research, 48: 013006. doi:
Davis, CD, CW Epps, RL Flitcroft, and MA Banks. 2018. Refining and defining riverscape genetics: how rivers influence population genetic structure. WIREs Water, e1269. doi:
Dugovich, BS, MJ Peel, AL Palmer, RA Zielke, AE Sikora, BR Beechler, AE Jolles, CW Epps, and BP Dolan. 2017. Detection of bacterial-reactive natural IgM antibodies in desert bighorn sheep populations. PLoS ONE, 12: e0180415. doi:
Sanchez, DM, CW Epps, & DS Taylor. Estimating lead fragmentation from ammunition for muzzleloading and black powder cartridge rifles. 2017. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 7:1-13.
Moriarty, KM, MA Linnell, BE Chasco, CW Epps, and WJ Zielinski. 2017. Using high-resolution short-term location data to describe territoriality in Pacific martens. Journal of Mammalogy, 98: 679-689. doi:
Creech, TG, CW Epps, EL Landguth, JD Wehausen, RS Crowhurst, B Holton, and RJ Monello. 2017. Simulating the spread of selection-driven genotypes using landscape resistance models for desert bighorn sheep. PLoS ONE, 12: e0176960. doi:
Linnell, MA, CW Epps, ED Forsman, and WJ Zielinski. 2017. Survival and predation of weasels (Mustela erminea, Mustela frenata) in North America. Northwest Science, 91: 15-26.
Linnell, MA, CW Epps, ED Forsman, and WJ Zielinski. 2017. Space use, movements, and rest site use by short-tailed weasels, Mustela erminea in managed forests of western Oregon. Wildlife Biology, doi:
Zeller, KA, TG Creech, KL Millette, RS Crowhurst, RA Long, HH Wagner, N Balkenhol, and EL Landguth. 2016. Using simulations to evaluate Mantel-based methods for assessing landscape resistance to gene flow. Ecology and Evolution, 6: 4115-4128.
Sanchez, DM, CW Epps, and DS Taylor. 2016. Estimating lead fragmentation from ammunition for muzzleloading and black powder cartridge rifles. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 7: 467-479 doi: 10.3996/092015-JFWM-086
Moriarty, KM, CW Epps, and WJ Zielinski. 2016. Forest thinning changes movement patterns and habitat use by Pacific marten. Journal of Wildlife Management, 80: 621-633.
Creech, TG, CW Epps, RJ Monello, and JD Wehausen. 2016. Predicting diet quality and genetic diversity of a desert-adapted ungulate with NDVI. Journal of Arid Environments, 127: 160-170.
Schwalm, D, CW Epps, TJ Rodhouse, WB Monahan, JA Castillo, C Ray, and MR Jeffress. 2016. Habitat availability and gene flow influence diverging local population trajectories under scenarios of climate change: a place-based approach. Global Change Biology, 22: 1572-1584.
Epps, CW, TG Creech, RS Crowhurst, JD Wehausen, WB Sloan, S Holt, JR Jaeger, KM Longshore, and RJ Monello. 2016. Fifty years after Welles and Welles: distribution and genetic structure of desert bighorn sheep in Death Valley National Park. Proceedings: Natural History Conference. Death Valley Natural History Association.
Castillo, JA, CW Epps, MR Jeffress, C Ray, TJ Rodhouse, and D Schwalm. 2016. Replicated landscape genetic and network analyses reveal wide variation in functional connectivity for American pikas. Ecological Applications, 26: 1660-1676.
Epps, CW, & N Keyghobadi. 2015. Landscape genetics in a changing world: disentangling historical and contemporary influences and inferring change. Molecular Ecology, 24: 6021-6040.
Moriarty, KM, CW Epps, MG Betts, DJ Hance, JD Bailey, and WJ Zielinski. 2015. Experimental evidence that simplified forest structure interacts with snow cover to influence functional connectivity for Pacific martens. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1865-1877.
Moriarty, KM, and CW Epps. 2015. Retained satellite information influences performance of GPS devices in a forested ecosystem. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39: 349-357.
Epps, CW, K Nowak, BM Mutayoba. 2015. Unfenced reserves, unparalleled biodiversity, and a rapidly-changing landscape: roadways and wildlife in East Africa. Chapter 39e in R. van der Ree, D. Smith, & C. Grilo, eds. Road Ecology. Wiley-Blackwell. Hoboken, New Jersey.
Castillo, JA, CW Epps, AR Davis, and SA Cushman. 2014. Landscape effects on gene flow for a climate-sensitive montane species, the American pika. Molecular Ecology, 23: 843-856.
Creech, TG, CW Epps, RJ Monello, JD Wehausen. 2014. Using network theory to prioritize management in a desert bighorn sheep metapopulation. Landscape Ecology, 29: 605-619.
Epps, CW 2014. Considering the switch: challenges of transitioning to non-lead hunting ammunition. The Condor, 116: 429-434.
Wilder, BT, JL Betancourt, CW Epps, RS Crowhurst, JI Mead, and E Ezcurra. 2014. Local extinction and unintentional rewilding of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) on a desert island. PLOSOne, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091358
Epps, CW, SK Wasser, JL Keim, BM Mutayoba, and JS Brashares. 2013. Quantifying past and present connectivity illuminates a rapidly changing landscape for the African elephant. Molecular Ecology, 22: 1574-1588.
Epps, CW, JA Castillo, A Schmidt-Küntzel, P du Preez, G Stuart-Hill, M Jago, and R Naidoo. 2013. Contrasting historical and recent gene flow among African buffalo herds in the Caprivi Strip of Namibia. Journal of Heredity, 104: 172-181.
Crowhurst, RS, TD Mullins, BM Mutayoba, and CW Epps. 2013. Characterization of eight polymorphic loci for Maasai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) using non-invasive genetic samples. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5: 85-87.
Jeffress, M.R., TJ Rodhouse, C Ray, S Wolff, and CW Epps. 2013. The idiosyncrasies of place: geographic variation in the climate-distribution relationships of the American pika. Ecological Applications, 23: 864-878.
Rudnick, D, S Ryan, P Beier, S Cushman, CW Epps, L Gerber, J Hartter, J Jenness, J Kintsch, A Merenlander, R Perkl, D Preziozi, & S Trombulak. 2012. Emerging principles in understanding landscape connectivity: practical tools for conservation decision-making. Issues in Ecology Report No. 16.
Cordero, AG, and CW Epps. 2012. From desert to rainforest: morphological variation in the bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea) is associated with a prominent climatic gradient. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 19: 135-153.
Epps, CW, BM Mutayoba, LE Gwin, & JS Brashares. 2011. An empirical evaluation of the African elephant as a focal species for connectivity planning in East Africa. Diversity and Distributions, 17: 603-612.
Haig, SM, WM Bronaugh, RS Crowhurst, J D’Elia, CA Eagles-Smith, CW Epps, B Knaus, MP Miller, ML Moses, S Oyler-McCance, WD Robinson, and B Sidlauskas. 2011. Genetic Applications in Avian Conservation. The Auk, 128: 205-229.
Sawyer, SC, CW Epps, and JS Brashares. 2011. Placing linkages among fragmented habitats: Do least-cost path models reflect how animals use landscapes? Journal of Applied Ecology, 48: 668-678.
Epps, CW, JD Wehausen, PJ Palsboll, and DR McCullough. 2010. Using genetic tools to track desert bighorn sheep colonizations. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74: 522-531.
Flesch, AD, CW Epps, JW Cain III, M Clark, PR Krausman, and JR Morgart. 2010. Potential effects of the United States-Mexico border fence on wildlife. Conservation Biology, 24: 171-181.
Brashares, JS, LR Prugh, CJ Stoner, and CW Epps. 2010. Ecological and conservation implications of mesopredator release. Pages 221-240 in J. Terborgh & M. Soule, eds. Trophic Cascades: predators, prey, and the changing dynamics of nature. Island Press, Washington D.C., USA.
Prugh, LR, CJ Stoner, CW Epps, WT Bean, WJ Ripple, AS Laliberte, and JS Brashares. 2009. The rise of the mesopredator. Bioscience, 59: 779-789.
Epps, CW, JD Wehausen, VC Bleich, SG Torres, and JS Brashares. 2007. Optimizing dispersal and corridor models using landscape genetics. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44: 714-724.
Epps, CW, PJ Palsbøll, JD Wehausen, GK Roderick, and DR McCullough. 2006. Elevation and connectivity define genetic refugia for mountain sheep as climate warms. Molecular Ecology, 15: 4295-4302.
Ramey II, RR, JD Wehausen, H-P Liu, CW Epps, and LM Carpenter. 2006. Should hypothesis testing or selective posthoc interpretation of results guide the allocation of conservation effort? Animal Conservation, 9: 244-247.
Ramey II, RR, JD Wehausen, H-P Liu, CW Epps, and LM Carpenter. How King et al. (2006) define an “evolutionarily distinct” subspecies: a response. Molecular Ecology, 16: 3518-3521.
Epps, CW, PJ Palsbøll, JD Wehausen, GK Roderick, RR Ramey II, and DR McCullough. 2005. Highways block gene flow and cause a rapid decline in genetic diversity of desert bighorn sheep. Ecology Letters, 8: 1029-1038.
Ramey II, RR, H-P Liu, CW Epps, JD Wehausen, and LM Carpenter. 2005. Genetic relatedness of the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei) to nearby subspecies of Z. hudsonius as inferred from variation in cranial morphology, mitochondrial DNA, and microsatellite data: implications for taxonomy and conservation. Animal Conservation, 8: 329-346.
Wehausen, JD, RR Ramey II, and CW Epps. 2004. Experiments in DNA extraction and PCR amplification from bighorn sheep feces: the importance of DNA extraction method. Journal of Heredity, 95: 503-509.
Epps, CW, DR McCullough, JD Wehausen, VC Bleich, and JR Rechel. 2004. Effects of climate change on population persistence of desert-dwelling mountain sheep in California. Conservation Biology, 18: 102-113.