Graduate Students:

Jessica Castillo, Ph.D., 2015
Dissertation title: “Population genetics of American pika (Ochotona princeps): investigating gene flow and genetic diversity across multiple, complex landscapes.”

Tyler Creech, Ph.D.,  2016
Dissertation title: “Landscape-level approaches to desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) conservation in a changing environment.”

Rachel Crowhurst, M.S., 2012 (currently genetics lab manager/FRA)
Thesis title: “Landscape features affecting genetic diversity and structure in East African ungulate species.”

Daniella Dekelaita, Ph.D., 2020
Dissertation title: “Assessing apparent effects on survival and movement of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) following a pneumonia outbreak.” 

Mark Linnell, M.S., 2014
Thesis title: “Short-tailed weasel space use in managed forests of western Oregon.”

Katie Moriarty, Ph.D., 2014
Dissertation title: “Habitat use and movement behavior of Pacific marten (Martes caurina) in response to forest management practices in Lassen National Forest, California.”

Jennifer Nelson, M.S., 2020
Thesis title: “Using spatial capture-recapture to estimate density of Roosevelt elk in western Oregon.”
Public presentation: J Nelson final defense.

Brandon Nickerson, M.S., 2014
Thesis title: “Effects of genetic drift, natural selection, and population connectivity on adaptive-linked genetic diversity of desert bighorn sheep.”

Robert Spaan, M.S., 2015; Ph.D., 2022
M.S. Thesis title: “Dispersal behavior in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer): trade-offs between nutritional resources and disease exposure.”

Dissertation title: “Characterizing the spread and consequences of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae on bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) in the Northern Basin and Range ecosystem.”

Matt Weldy, M.S., 2018, Faculty Research Assistant 2018-2019
Thesis title: “Spatiotemporal associations of abundance and vital rates of co-occurring small mammals in a late successional forest.”

Post-Doctoral Scholars

Michael Buchalski, Ph.D.

Donelle Schwalm, Ph.D.

Research Associates:

Claire Couch, Ph.D.

Faculty Research Assistants:

Anne (Johnston) Davis, M.S.

Undergraduate Research Assistants:

Antonio Cordero, B.S.

Juliana Masseloux, B.S., 2016
Thesis title: “Using detection/non-detection surveys to model land-use by East African carnivores and make suggestions for maximizing detection on range-wide rapid surveys.”

Abigail Sage, B.S., 2014
Thesis title: “Estimating density of a black bear population in Northeastern Oregon using dogs and genetic mark-recapture techniques.”