OSUsed Store Fall Sale this Week
The OSUsed Store is having a Fall Sale this week to clearance its inventory. The OSUsed Store, managed by OSU Surplus Property, sells all OSU-owned property no longer needed by the owning department, as well as items from other government agencies. The only program of its kind at an Oregon university, we seek to reroute […]
Recycling for the Greater Good at Homecoming 2010
As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU has signed up to participate in the EPA Game Day Challenge this year, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. We will be bringing together a team of 50+ volunteers at the October 30th home football game to both increase recycling and fight hunger. […]
People's Park Construction
After years of delay and complications, OSU People’s Park began construction Monday, Oct.11. The major work is currently underway, excavating the pathways and for benches and pouring concrete. The project makes good on a promise OSU made to previous generations of students: to create a tucked away, intentional space for contemplation in the core of […]
Calling All Student Musicians!
We are looking for song writers who are deeply interested in sustainability issues to play at this year’s “Sustainaball” on November 18th in the MU Ballroom from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The point of this fun event is to spread awareness about sustainability and to connect the arts with a passion for environmental and social well-being. Food […]
Styrofoam recycling pilot leads to cost savings
As mentioned in a previous post, we collected approximately 120 cubic yards (equal to 20 standard dumpsters) of Styrofoam in just 6 days during residence hall move-in week. This was the first time Campus Recycling offered a bin to collect this material separately. We recently received the invoice for Total Reclaim’s recycling and hauling fee, […]
What do we do with old mattresses?
Even for those of us who really try to reduce waste in our lives, stuff comes along from time to time that is just hard to find a place to recycle. What do you do with old mattresses? It’s not too often that most people have to deal with this. But OSU’s University Housing & […]
Bike valet service offered at OSU football games
Corvallis High School hopes to raise enough money to generate its own electricity by installing solar panels, helping Corvallis reach its goal of becoming a net energy producer with 100% of all energy produced from renewable energy by 2025. Although the school has received significant grants, they still need to raise additional funds to meet […]
Showcasing Sustainability to New Students: CONNECT Week Recap
Last week was CONNECT Week, a week of fun and educational events that help our new students transition into OSU’s community. Campus Recycling, the Sustainability Office and the Student Sustainability Initiative took several steps to demonstrate OSU’s sustainable reputation and get students involved. All three groups were present with booths and activities at the New […]
Celebrate World Car Free Day!
Today, September 22, 2010, the Corvallis and OSU communities will join with people across the globe to participate in World Car Free Day – a time for individuals and communities to come together to explore the benefits of walking, biking, and using public transit and other non-automobile forms of transportation to get us where we […]
OSU Helps da Vinci Days Cut Festival Trash in Half
This year OSU Campus Recycling partnered with the da Vinci Days festival to start a waste reduction initiative at the July 2010 festival. A report has just been released, which includes all the results along with methodology, photos, ideas for next year, and more. DOWNLOAD IT HERE This report and many other resources can be […]