Super Student Feature: Kyle Corbett

Kyle Corbett, an OSU student pursuing a double degree in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainability, had an incredible experience working with Facilities to learn more about the HVAC systems. Because of it, he has decided on a future career: designing more sustainable HVAC systems.

CEOAS/Environmental Sciences Club Green Office Certified!

Congratulations to the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences on earning the bronze-level Green Office Certification! The Oregon State Environmental Sciences Club tackled the Green Office Certification survey as a club project, on behalf of CEOAS. Thank you to the many members of the Environmental Sciences Club that contributed to gathering and inputting data […]

Sustainable Staff Spotlight: The Great Paper Towel Caper

Upon learning that Oregon State University was replacing all of its paper towel dispensers with a newer model, Laura Tilley, who works with the art department, immediately wondered what would happen to the leftover paper towels that will not fit in the new dispensers. Since she works with the art department, she thought perhaps OSU […]

Sustainable Engineering Spotlight: Gondar, Ethiopia

Amy Salisbury and Gavin Bennett, civil engineering undergraduate students, learned that culture is often an important factor to consider for sustainable engineering.  Amy, Gavin, and a team of other students have been working on a multi-faceted project to build an irrigation system and housing for a plant nursery and a bathroom for a village school, […]

Join the 2018 Pac-12 Sustainability Conference!

What is the Pac-12 Sustainability Conference? The Pac-12 Sustainability Conference is the first high level symposium aimed at integrating sustainability into college athletics across college campuses. Each Pac-12 athletic department has committed to measuring their sustainability efforts, developing strategies to increase sustainability, monitoring their progress, and harnessing their influence on local communities for the sake […]

OSU Ph.D. Student Samara Haver Studies Ocean Soundscapes

Samara Haver is a Ph.D. student at Oregon State University in the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program. She listens to the ocean soundscapes at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. Haver is learning about what animals hear underwater in the national parks and marine sanctuaries. To learn more about what she does, check […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: AASHE Conference Experience

A couple weeks ago, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) had their annual conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Oregon State had a few representatives from the Student Sustainability Initiative (Jen Christion-Meyers), and the Center for Civic Engagement (Jeremy Chu). Jeremy Chu, the Internal Coordinator for CCE, and a current Oregon State Student […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Rikki Gibson

Public transit is an easy way to reduce total emissions by reducing the amount of cars on the road. Corvallis offers free bus transit, and Oregon State Computer Science major, Rikki Gibson made an app that makes it even easier to skip the car, and ride the bus. Starting the summer of 2014, Rikki Gibson […]

SSI Research Grant Project: Creating a Cost-Effective Solar Concentrator

Last Summer’s grant awardee Michael Rebarchik continues to work on his project on creating a cost-effective solar concentrator. Energy demands increase globally, while the fossil fuel future remains unsteady and the search for a new energy resource is more important now than ever. Solar energy remains promising, but often solar technology can be expensive. Michael wanted to create a […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Claire Couch

Meet our sustainable student of the week, Claire Couch! Claire is a Ph.D student studying integrative biology. She is researching wildlife disease ecology on the OSU Corvallis campus, specifically focusing on hoof and mouth disease outbreaks among African buffalo. This is to monitor how disease spreads through wildlife, domestic animals and humans, and in this […]