Large Transnational Corporations Play Critical Role in Global Natural Resource Management

Researchers have identified six specific actions that large transnational corporations could take to steer environmental stewardship actions in the right direction. Combined with effective public policies and improved government regulations, these actions have the potential to make waves around the world. James Watson, a co-author of the new paper and an assistant professor of sustainability […]

Tribunal Rules that Fracking Violates Human Rights!

In May 2018, the Spring Creek Project co-organized the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Session on Human Rights, Fracking, and Climate Change.  For the first time in the almost 40 year history of the Tribunal, they had an international focus on the rights of Nature as well as the rights of humans. As the Tribunal was underway, […]

Moore Money, Moore Problems?

Year after year, electronics on the shelves are constantly being replaced with smaller, faster, and more efficient versions of themselves. As technology improves these turnover rates begin to blur together as soon the consumer is too overwhelmed with trying to keep up with the “latest cutting-edge tech”. A perfect example of this can be found […]

The Corvallis Climate Action Advisory Board Needs Your Help!

The Corvallis Climate Action Advisory Board needs your help! The board has partnered with OSU’s College of Business to create a survey to develop a better understanding of community awareness and action related to climate change. The results of the survey will be used to inform the board’s work priorities during the next two years. […]

The Chrysalis Symposium: Courageous Transformation for the Climate Crisis

Scientists have given us an urgent timeline. We have about a decade to cut greenhouse gases in half to avoid catastrophic climate change. How do we, each of us, need to transform to answer this once-in-a-lifetime call and rise to the challenge of the years ahead? How can we change the narratives in our minds […]

Starker Lecture Series: Indigenous Foresty

The annual Starker Lecture Series at Oregon State University will this year focus on tribal forestry with a film, three lectures and a capstone field trip. Topics include indigenous forest and subsistence practices, the history and future of tribal forestry in Oregon, and how “first foods” such as fish, berries and big game drive forest […]

Join the Waste Watchers Club at their Winter term weekly meetings!

        Become a hero and join the league of the Waste Watchers! Winter term meetings begin tonight! Starting at 5:00 PM and going until 6:30 PM in Student Experience Center Room 206 (aka the Center for Civic Engagement office), our weekly meetings will happen each Thursday of the term until March 14th. […]

Affordable Clean Energy Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a proposal called the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule in order to replace the Obama-era Clean Power Plan and fulfill the Trump administration’s goals concerning climate policy and the coal industry. The Clean Power Plan was a moderate attempt at slowing anthropogenic climate change, that climate scientists, policy makers, […]