Our Roots of Resilience team offers four professional development opportunities: a 3-hr workshop, a 10-hr workshop, a 30-hr online course, and a 6-session coaching program. Click here for descriptions.


To inquire about bringing Roots of Resilience to your local community, or to sign up for the waitlist for the next section of the online course (coming soon) please email: Cascadesrr@gmail.com


Current and Upcoming Opportunities

10-hour workshop

  • April 12-13, 2019 (free!) at Oregon State University-Cascades. To register email Deniseh@neighborimpact.org.
  • June 24-25, 2019 (free!) at the Oregon Early Learning Summer Institute located at Oregon State University-Cascades: https://earlychildhoodsummerinstitute.org/


3-hour workshop


Online Course and Video-Based Coaching Programs

We are conducting a research project with these programs through Summer, 2019. Enrollment is currently closed.


Coming soon! A new section of the online course is anticipated for Fall, 2019 to make it available to early childhood professionals throughout Oregon and across the United States!

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