Category: Uncategorized

  • Semester 2 Wrap Up

    This project has taught me a ton so far, and I have been surprised at the amount that I have learned from it so far. The development and planning has gone well so far, although towards the end, we have run into some roadblocks that have proven to be difficult to figure out. This has…

  • Technologies

    For our A-Life simulation, we are using a few key technologies that I am really enjoying so far. The main technology we are using that is vital to our project is the Godot Game engine. Godot 4 is the latest version and offers a huge variety of useful tools and technologies that makes us able…

  • Clean Code

    For my clean code article, I chose an article I found on the SOLID Principals. I have been using these principals to direct my thoughts when coding at my work and they often help me to think through all of the ways I can work to improve my code. The most common one that I…

  • Finishing up semester 1

    I’m feeling really good about the progress so far that my team and I have made on our simulation. We have all made some really interesting beginnings to the project and I’m excited to see how things start progressing after we return for winter semester. Project Progress Update I recently have been working on making…

  • Progress

    This semester is going well so far! I am taking 4 classes over the fall including this class: I am doing well in all of them so far, and I feel that I am learning a ton from them. only having 15 credits is a significant stress reliever coming from 19 credits last semester. I…

  • About me

    My name is Devin Fahnestock and I am from Pennsylvania (EST). Im 25 years old and I love to play sports, travel, and hike! My favorite sports are volleyball and ultimate frisbee. I love being active and I enjoy working out as often as I have time. I would say that I currently have a…