
Blog Post – Week 8

This week has been a bit odd, the review assignment has been helpful, but it seems like there was a lot of confusion regarding it, unfortunately. Thankfully with the extension we got and gave some (hopefully) valuable feedback to team MOTUS. I suppose sometimes things like that just happen especially right now during the pandemic. Regardless, it’s interesting to see what other issues different teams are running into and what struggles they have to overcome compared to our project, and how they tackle these various issues.

We also managed to meet directly with Dr. Higgins to discuss the finer details of our project. It seems like we were slightly off base in regards to what he wanted in the end product, but I believe we can easily pivot to accommodate the changes as we already had a good framework in mind. It seems like being able to calculate the displacement and slip strain and being able to see that visually is far more useful than just being able to see the strain gauge output, so now we need to refine our prototypes a bit to account for the new variables we’ll be keeping track of and displaying. We also finally got a chance to see the kind of network we’ll be working with so we can begin planning around how we’ll get the information to the HoloLens as well. It’s a rather old system to interface with, but I’m confident we can find a way to get it working, probably using a laptop or some kind of portable computer to send the data.

Regardless, we have some fun challenges to overcome next term as we begin our development in earnest.

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