
Dr. Emily Eidam, PI

Associate professor

I’m a sedimentologist / marine geologist with background in Civil Engineering (BS, UAA), Geology (BS, UAA), and Oceanography (MS and PhD, UW). I grew up in Eagle River, Alaska (near Anchorage) in a landscape sculpted by glaciers and interesting sedimentary processes. I enjoy working in “process sedimentology” because it combines elements of fluid dynamics, sedimentology, and oceanography and allows us to explore how sediments move through a system over human timescales, and how they ultimately contribute to the geologic record. This work synthesizes data from diverse tools (e.g., oceanographic sensors, isotope geochronology, remote sensing) and helps us better predict where sediment is going and under what conditions—with relevance to models of coastal evolution, nutrient and contaminant transport, and geologic resource formation.

Dr. Molly Keogh, postdoctoral scholar
NSF OPP Postdoctoral fellow

Molly is a National Science Foundation OPP postdoctoral scholar with PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Tulane University and BS in Geology from the University of Oregon. Molly specializes in studying coastal sediment dynamics, including how sediment moves through coastal systems, and what it means for resilience of estuaries, deltas, and other low-lying coastal environments. Fun fact: her graduate work is featured in the documentary film “Last Call for the Bayou” (Episode 2, “Mud, Sweat, and Fears”).

Dr. Hannah Glover
Research Scientist, OSU Civil & Construction Engineering

Hannah is a research scientist based in Civil & Construction Engineering and CEOAS. She earned her MS and PhD degrees in Oceanography from the University of Washington and studies sediment transport, DAS systems, marine mapping, and diverse other topics.

Emily An, MS student
Ocean, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Program

Emily is working on suspended sediment distribution in ice fjords of western Greenland as a part of the TERMINUS project. She has a B.S. in Marine Sciences and minors in Geology and Wildlife Ecology & Conservation from UF. Her undergraduate research used strontium isotopes from glacial and deglacial stream waters of southwest Greenland to track the progression of sediment and rock weathering with ice sheet retreat. Between her degree programs she worked on biodynamic farms, assisted on an Arctic research cruise, and instructed field conservation ecology courses on Maui. 

Eden Krolopp, MS student
Ocean, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Program

Eden has experience in hydrologic data collection and analysis. She completed a BS in Geology and Environmental Policy from the University of Puget Sound and a Graduate Certificate in River-Coastal Science and Engineering from Tulane University.  As part of the Eidam Lab, she works with the Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems LTER team studying coastal sediment dynamics in Northern Alaska.

Sean Finney, MS student
Geography and Geospatial Science Program

Sean is a GIS professional who is conducting research on streamflow and sediment export in the Oregon Coast Range in fulfillment of his degree.

Riley Smith
Undergraduate research assistant

Riley is a laboratory assistant pursuing a BS in both Oceanography and Electrical and Computer Engineering and plans to work in marine technology. She is focusing on building and developing turbidity sensors and analyzing multibeam data on keel scours from the Alaskan Beaufort Shelf.

Lab Alumni

Grace Meyer, Lab Manager (OSU) – (2023-2024) Grace supervised Pb-210 and related sediment analyses, worked on ongoing openOBS development, wrote SOPs for the lab group, and also worked part-time in Dr. Jenn Fehrenbacher’s foram lab. Grace advanced to a federal analyst position in fall 2024.

Adrian Heath, MSc 2024 (OSU) – Adrian analyzed short gravity cores and multibeam data from the Alaskan Beaufort Shelf and found that the inner shelf is erosional and the middle shelf is non-depositional over multidecadal timescales, in spite of seasonal mid-shelf depositional patterns. Thesis: Sedimentation and Erosion on an Arctic Continental Shelf: Harrison Bay and Colville River Delta, Alaska.

Caroline Cooper, MSc 2023 (UNC) – Caroline worked to develop a depth-averaged profile model of arctic delta development in Delft3D. Post-graduation she advanced to an environmental compliance position with the State of South Carolina. Thesis: Modeling the effects of sea ice on arctic delta evolution: A case study on the Colville River Delta, AK.

Tyler Souza, MSc 2022 (UNC) – Tyler collected and analyzed a suite of sediment cores from the Coos Bay Estuary (Oregon) and used Pb-210 isotope profiles to quantify sediment accumulation rates. Post-graduation he advanced to a coastal staff scientist position with Geosyntec Consultants in North Carolina. Thesis: A century of disturbance: How anthropogenic modification has affected sediment accumulation patterns in the Coos Estuary in the last 100 years.

John Malito, MSc 2021 (UNC) – John evaluated the sediment-transport dynamics of arctic continental shelves in Delft3D in order to test the sensitivity to a more energetic wave climate. Post-graduation he advanced to a coastal research scientist position with the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. Thesis: Evolution of arctic continental shelves: Modelling morphodynamic feedbacks to climate-driven increases in sea states.

Undergraduate research assistants (OSU and UNC) – Tess Hoffman, Anika Lechner Armitage, Ashleigh Wojcik, Leo Marchyok, Savana Stallsmith, Lillian Cooper, David Go, Daniela Zarate, McKenzie McLean, Owen White, Bayaar Sayed, Rachael Rankin, Carly Richardson


Caroline, Emily, and Adrian on the R/V Ukpik in the Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean, northern Alaska) — September 2022
Beach mooring deployments in Kaktovik (Photo by Lloyd Pikok, Jr.)