Birds with Fish

Are you a coastal Oregon nature photographer? Do you have shots of birds carrying fish or invertebrates in their bills or talons? Want to contribute to community science research efforts?

If so, learn about our efforts to learn more about the diets of Oregon’s marine and estuarine birds. With your help, Birds with Fish hopes to better our scientific understanding of what prey items our coastal birds rely on. The more we know, the more informed our conservation actions can be to protect these birds for future generations.

We’re looking for pictures of coastal Oregon birds with prey; oftentimes, this is a bird holding a fish, squid, crab, or other marine invertebrate in its bill or talons before consumption. These photographs are an ideal way to study seabird diet that requires little to no disturbance to the bird.

Interested in helping out? Contribute your photos under the “Photo Submission” header above.

Many thanks to the generous sponsors that make the
Birds with Fish project possible!