

What am I good at? I am good at making my vision, into my reality. A few years ago I set goals for myself in my college career that I thought were pretty unattainable. As I am about to graduate, I have accomplished more than I could have imagined. I am dedicated and a hard worker. I am reliable, and will not quit.

What do I value? I value personal growth. When I look back at who I was when I moved into the dorms as a freshman, and who I am now, it is like night and day. I have changed for the better, and I can tell it has been very beneficial for my professional career goals.

How did I get here? I cannot say that I got here just with hard work and determination. I am where I am today because of the kind of support system I have built around me. I have great friends and family, and amazing role models that helped push me to be the person I want to be. Without them, I wouldn’t be here today.

Where am I going? This question is one I don’t really know the answer to. At least in specifics. I know I will go on to have some career likely in business, and I will try to stay near my support system. If anything, I know I will still value personal growth, and whatever I do I will try to become the best version of myself possible while doing it.


IPIP Results & Reactions

In the five dimensions of personality I scored other “low” or “average”, none of my results were “high” in the scale. For extraversion, my score was average which I think is pretty accurate. I like to spend time with friends but I also enjoy my time alone. In agreeableness, I scored low, which I knew might happen. I have been told in the past that I am not very sympathetic so this makes sense. My conscientiousness was average, which is not surprising because I am not extremely organized but I am not a total mess, I am just somewhere in between. I had an average level of neuroticism, not much different from the general population. But because of this average neuroticism I don’t much like new, often stressful, experiences. That is partially why my openness to experience score was low.  

A potential employer looking at this personality test might say my strengths include finishing tasks on time and having a consistent quality of work. I could also be described as someone who is personable in a social setting, but isn’t so outgoing that they are distracting to others at work. My neuroticism could be seen as both a strength and a weakness. One the one hand, stressful situations can invite an individual to work faster and more efficiently if they are worried their job might be on the line. On the other hand, stress can cause some to shut down, or have outbursts of anger that are rooted in anxiety. As for some weaknesses that can be seen from this personality test, it is shown that I am not one for new and different experiences. This could hurt me if the job position is constantly changing. I would be better for a more routine and consistent job. Another weakness is lack of empathy for others. This can be seen as selfish, and that I am only concerned with my personal goals, and not the needs of others. This could be bad if I was interviewing for a job that involved working with people who needed help (nurse, social worker, etc.).