
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

If I were in the shoes of the business owner, I would hire Jamie. Jamie is consistent in their work and provides pretty good results each work day. I would not be able to deal with the constant slacking from Avery. It is great that Avery has a high performance ceiling and a lot of potential, but that can only take someone so far. I am also not sure how someone could be such a slacker yet have a lot of potential. Ithink Jamie is the safe choice here.

As someone with high potential but poor consistency, I think Avery would excel in a job where a lot of their paycheck comes from commission. Avery should work in sales. That way, Avery will have something (money) to motivate them to live up to their potential. In a sales job, you cannot really slack off on the day to day, you need to put in that work to make your salary. In a sales job, Avery is more valuable than Jamie because Avery has the potential to land big sales, whereas Jamie would not be able to close when pushed to their limit.

Jamie, someone with low potential but high consistency, would excel in a job that has similar tasks everyday. To many people, a job like this would be boring. I think Jamie would be a great office manager or secretary/receptionist. They would make sure the office runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis. They would not have tasks or job requirements that would push them farther than what they are already capable of. Jamie would provide good results everyday. Jamie is better for this job compared to Avery because Avery would most definitely slack off in this job, whereas Jamie will be consistent.

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