
Employee Recruitment Selection

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Blog Post – Job Application Experiences

The last job I applied for had a pretty standard and simple application process. All I had to do was upload my resume along with a cover letter. I know it is pretty easy, but there is something about writing cover letters I really just do not like. They make the application process so much longer because you have to write a new one for every job you apply to. Cover letters always make me seem like I am begging a company to hire me, and I just do not like that impression. They are also kind of redundant because they just repeat what is in your resume. I know a lot of people who will not apply to a job if the application requires a cover letter.

The last job I interviewed for had an initial over the phone interview which I also did not enjoy. I couldn’t read the facial expressions or body language of the interviewer, and there were a lot of long pauses when I assume she was writing stuff down. I also don’t like phone calls in general, and I think a lot of people my age can agree. I just get really flustered over the phone. She also told me about how the interview process worked and how many rounds there would be and what each would be like. I thought about it, and in my opinion, that job was not really qualified to have such a lengthy and serious interview process.

After the phone interview, I did not really have a desire to work for that organization. I was not all that excited for the interview anyways because I knew it was over the phone and I knew what some of the work would entail and it just was not for me. I was secretly hoping that they would not email me with a second interview date, because I knew I would probably say yes and continue with the process anyways even though I did not want the job.

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