Larry A. Hartman

Larry is a PhD Student, studying environmental instrumentation and sensor systems under Doug Toomey at the University of Oregon.  He retired from the USAF in 2013 after serving 22 years as an Arabic Language Analyst.  He earned two B.S. degrees in electronics engineering and physics in the years following his retirement.  Larry is originally from York, PA, but has enjoyed posts across the United States, Europe, and the Middle East.  He relocated to Eugene, OR from Augusta, GA with his wife and youngest daughter last year, so that he and his daughter can attend UO.

“What attracted me to earth sciences is the knowledge that my work can have immediate, beneficial impacts to large segments of society.  Secondarily, I enjoy visiting new, remote places, and have a desire to spend more time outdoors in my occupation.  In this study, I have traveled through and to more fascinating places in Oregon in two weeks than I would have in a whole year, all the while working with instruments and sensors with a view toward improving earthquake warning.  Thank you, Emilie, for inviting me to play some small part in this effort.”


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