Looking for unique opportunities as an undergraduate to serve your community and gain experience for your resume?  Entering the job market can be an unsettling process for some students, but participating in unique opportunities can make you stand out in comparison to other applicants.  As an undergraduate the most valuable experience I gained was serving as a student representative on a search committee for the new Director of University Housing and Dining.

Through serving on search committees as a student you can gain valuable information on what potential employers are looking for in resumes, cover letters, and interviews.  You also have the opportunity to represent the student perspective to potential candidates.  Additionally, there are plenty of networking possibilities when serving on a committee with campus administration and faculty.

Although serving on a search committee can be a time intensive process it is certainly worth the time commitment.  Through my work on a search committee I learned of job opportunities and gained a great respect for the faculty and staff I worked with.  Connections I made as an undergraduate on the search committee afforded me the opportunity to secure a position at Oregon State University as an employee while I attended graduate school.

If you are interested in serving on a search committee contact your college or department to see if there are opportunities available.  If you are a student worker on campus try talking with you supervisor about ways to get involved in committee work within your department.

Posted by Rachel Allen, Career Services Intern

When I was ten years old my grandpa and I went to Honduras to visit my aunt, who was serving in the Peace Corps. During the two weeks I was there I learned a few key phrases in Spanish (¿donde esta el bano?), experienced a new culture, made new friends, learned how to make tortillas from scratch, and was awoken early each morning by a rooster. The experience made me look at the world from another perspective and made me appreciate many of the things I took for granted living in the United States, such as clean water, education, and paved roads. That trip was a pivotal moment in my life; I promised myself that I too would one day join the Peace Corps.

Realizing the Dream

In May 2006, my dream of serving in the Peace Corps came true when my husband and I departed the United States for Bolivia, a land-locked country in South America. We arrived in the city of Cochabamba, where we spent three months in training. Half the day we took Spanish classes and the other part we learned about Bolivian culture and gained more skills in our project areas. We were part of a group of 30 other volunteers.  Each of us lived with a different Bolivian host family. After those three months of training we were officially “Peace Corps Volunteers” and we were then sent to our sites, where we would spend the next two years. My husband and I were placed in Huacareta, in the region of Chuquisaca, a rural village of about 1,000 people.

Working in a Bolivian Community

My main project was to work with the schools in and around Huacareta. I worked with teachers, introducing them to a more interactive teaching style. I also taught children and women’s groups the importance of sanitation, nutrition, dental hygiene, AIDS/HIV prevention, and computer skills. One of the most rewarding experiences was working with a women’s group to start a peanut butter-making business. The women learned about proper food handling, the nutritious benefits of peanut butter, accounting methods, and working together as a team with specific roles. I thoroughly enjoyed working with them; throughout the process the women and I shared many stories and laughter, and I was able to learn so much about them. I also got to witness the empowerment that the women felt from earning their own money.

The Benefits of Service

Joining the Peace Corps is one of the best experiences of my life. I got to be immersed in another culture, learn a new language, make new friends, and most of all, I got to learn much about myself. Since being back home in the United States I have connected with other returned Peace Corps Volunteers and shared with others about Bolivia. Other benefits include a readjustment stipend, deferment of student loans, reduced graduate school tuition, noncompetitive eligibility for employment in the federal government, and of course the professional skills gained during service such as learning another language, cross-cultural understanding, and international experience.

Start Your Own Life-Defining Experience

I encourage anyone who has thought about living in another country and wants to share their skills and experiences with others to look into serving in the Peace Corps. Volunteers serve in 77 countries (Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, and the Middle East) and provide technical assistance in six program areas: education, youth and community development, health, business and information and communications technology, agriculture, and environment. If you have any questions or concerns about the Peace Corps or the application process, please contact me, I would love to talk with you. The Peace Corps website is another great resource: peacecorps.gov

My advice is to do your research about the program and talk to as many returned Peace Corps volunteers as you can about their experience. I love quotes and one that I think about often is by Samuel Johnson – “When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live.” Each day in the Peace Corps definitely made me feel alive.

Jen Busick
OSU Peace Corps Campus Representative


Posted by Jen Busick, Peace Corps Campus Representative and Career Resource Specialist

When I was six and growing up in Mexico my mom asked me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“A doctor!” I replied.

“That’s a very difficult job,” she said.

“No, I just have to give the people pills and they get better!”

Seven years later I was in Portland at the Benson Polytechnic High School Open House for future students. I wanted to check out Benson’s Health Occupations Program, so I went into a classroom full of curious students and countless diagrams of the human anatomy. I spotted a solitary scalpel on a table in the corner. I toyed with it for the few seconds, then I shivered and the hairs on my arms stood straight as I imagined what it would be like to operate on a human being.

“Hey you!”

I turned around to find a guy in scrubs and white blood-stained gloves standing behind a table. On the table was a pig head.  He placed one hand on the pig head and removed the top of the skull in the same manner that a fine chef would remove the lid from a boiling pot.

“You wanna see a pig brain?” he asked.

And that was the last time I held a scalpel.

Why am I telling you this story? Because many students think that they have a good understanding of what holding a job in their field of study will be like based on the classes they’ve taken and whatever knowledge they’ve acquired online or from speaking to others. And while these are good ways to learn about a career, you will not truly understand what everyday life in your chosen field will be like until you get out there and do the job yourself. The best way to really understand a career is through hands-on experiences such as part-time jobs, summer jobs, internships, or even volunteering. The best way to figure out what a professional in your desired field of study does on a daily basis is to do it yourself.

Last year through the MECOP program, I had the opportunity to go on a six-month internship with Daimler Trucks North America. DTNA is the largest heavy-duty truck manufacturer in North America and it is known for its leading brands Freightliner and Western Star. Being a mechanical engineering student with a main interest in the automotive industry, I was very excited to have received this opportunity. However, I was also nervous because I was afraid I would find out that engineering, like medicine before, was not really something I’d enjoy doing for the rest of my life.

I worked on several projects during my time at Daimler, and through each I gained experience in doing the tasks that mechanical engineers do on a regular basis. Some of these tasks I had done in school before, such as sketching my design ideas, performing engineering calculations, and creating technical drawings of the concept using computer software. Others however, were new to me: I made regular trips to the manufacturing plant to speak with the workers about the feasibility of my designs, worked with finance to create the required report needed to get the money to create prototypes (long, ugly process…), communicated with manufacturing development on a regular basis to ensure that my designs were being manufactured correctly, contacted vendors, consulted other engineers, attended meetings . . . I could keep going but I think you get the point. Through my internship with DTNA I experienced some of the aspects of engineering that can only be learned by actually doing the job. And once I finished my internship the nervousness was gone, because I had enjoyed the entire ride and was more sure than ever that mechanical engineering was the right field for me.

So my advice to you is this: There are certain things that you cannot learn from books, so make the effort to get a summer job or internship that will allow you to experience first-hand what it is like to work in your field of study. I assure you it’ll be worth it.

Posted by Fernando Ramirez, Career Services Assistant

This Thursday is YOUR opportunity to make a difference!

If you are interested in interning with, volunteering for, or working in a non-profit organization make sure you’re in the MU BALLROOM THURSDAY JANUARY 20th from 1-4pm. This year’s Non Profit & Volunteering Expo has over 50 non-profit organizations that are looking for YOU to help them make a difference. So, shine your shoes, comb your hair, and touch up that resume for the 2011 Non Profit & Volunteering Expo taking place this THURSDAY!

2011 Non Profit & Volunteering Expo Attendees

-ABC House

-Albanian Alps Institute

-Albany Area Habitat for Humanity

-Albertina Kerr Centers

-American Red Cross

-AmeriCorps* Vista

-Benton County Sheriff’s Office

-Benton Habitat for Humanity

-Benton Soil and Water Conservation District

-Boys and Girls Club of Corvallis

-Campus Recycling

-CASA- Voices for Children

-College Hill High School

-Community Outreach Inc.

-Community Service Center

-Corvallis Environmental Center


-Engineers Without Boarders

-Friends of the Family Ministries

-Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington

-Greater Albany Public Schools

-Greenbelt Land Trust, Inc

-Home Life Inc.

-Hospice Care of the Northwest

-Hostelling International USA, Oregon Council

-Institute for Applied Ecology

-Institute for Nonprofit Management at PSU

-International Degree & Education Abroad

-International Partnership for Service Learning and Leadership

-Jackson Street Youth Center

-Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

-L’Arche Nehalem

-LBvision Volunteer Center

-Linn County General Services

-Mid- Willamette Family YMCA


-Oregon Child Development Coalition

-Oregon Department of Human Services

-Oregon Jamboree

-Peace Corps

-Presbyterian Preschool and Child Care Center

-SAIF Corporation

-Show Mercy International


-Susan G. Komen For the Cure

-Teach for America

-U.S. Department of State

-United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

-United Way of Benton & Lincoln Counties

-Valley Aids Information Network, Inc.

-Volunteer Services Department, Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center

-Volunteer with Kids

-Willamette University MBA for Business, Government, and Not-for-Profit Management

Posted by Linsey Stripling, Career Services Assistant

Born and raised in small town Iowa, I grew up watching many people follow a similar path.  Most completed some form of college while also meeting a future spouse, found a job in the Midwest, and settled down in time to begin a family.  Beginning college at the University of Northern Iowa, I too thought I was destined for this type of future.  I pursued and received a degree in elementary education, and soon after took a full time job teaching 2nd grade in a near Iowa city.  I was well on my way to obtaining all the pieces involved in the traditional Iowa picture of adulthood.  However, I always felt like something was missing.
During college and my first year of teaching, I began to discover facets of myself different than the life ahead of me.  I became a camp counselor for the world wide organization Camp Adventure Child and Youth Services and fell in love with international travel as I worked in Hawaii, Japan, Spain, England, and Germany.  Through this travel, I also found I enjoyed being outdoors, and dreamed about living in a place with mountains, an ocean close by, and opportunities for biking and camping.  I began researching places in the Pacific Northwest, toying with the idea of uprooting my life in Iowa.  During the spring break of my first year of teaching, I decided to take a trip to Oregon to attend a career fair for teachers.  I hoped to find a teaching job in the northwest that would allow me to move to a place more conducive to the lifestyle I imagined.  Attending the fair, though, I realized very few school districts were in a position to hire, and without any contacts in the area, my chances of finding a job were small.
I decided to stay in Iowa for another year, understanding that moving across the country without a job would be foolish.  However, Camp Adventure had caught wind that I was interested in living in Oregon.  While teaching that year, I was offered the chance to take a side job as the Staff Development Coordinator for the state of Oregon.  I was tasked with the recruitment, training, and supervision of one hundred college students from the three state universities.  I spent the year teaching Monday through Friday and flying to Oregon every other weekend.  While working in this position, I found that even more than elementary students, I enjoyed working with the college age group.  Trying to juggle such a hectic schedule, though, I knew it was time to take a close look at my life and decide what I really wanted.
While recruiting at Oregon State University, I quickly grew fond of the city of Corvallis.  The charming city, the nearby Pacific Ocean, and the short drive to Mt. Hood were all characteristics that made me envy those who lived there.  In early October of that year, I decided to explore OSU’s website for potential graduate programs, hoping for a second try at moving west.  I stumbled upon the College Student Services Administration graduate program website.  The program would be two years in length, would prepare me to work in the field of higher education, and had opportunities to gain funding through assistantship positions.  I was immediately intrigued.  I emailed the coordinator of the program and set up a visit during one of my weekend trips.  I decided to apply and promised myself that if I were to get accepted and received funding, I would take a leap of faith and make the move.
I spent three months completing the application process.  The application itself was split into two pieces, a portion for the Graduate School of OSU, and a portion for the actual program.  The process involved creating a quality resume, working with my references to draft recommendation letters, researching the program and its competencies, creating a personal statement, and writing short essays.  I only applied to one graduate school, but it is more common for students to apply to many to ensure a successful outcome.
I turned in my completed packet of materials for review in January.  During the beginning of February, I was notified that I had been selected to interview for the program.  I spent two days interviewing in February.  To prepare for the interviews, I purchased a professional suit, practiced mock interviews with my mentors, gathered as much information as I could about the program to ensure I could tailor my interview answers, and created a list of questions I had for the interviewers.  Having taken a large amount of time to prepare, I entered the experience with more confidence.  The interview session was two days in length.  I spent the first day interviewing for assistantship positions, and the second day interviewing for the program.  All interviews were in front of a panel of representatives.  Upon returning to Iowa, I sent follow up thank you notes and then hoped for the best.
Near the end of March, I received word that I had been accepted into the program and was also offered an assistantship through the Career Services office.  I was hit by a mix of emotions: excitement, nervousness, anticipation, and a bit of anxiety.  Staying true to my promise, though, I accepted both offers and put in my resignation from my current teaching position.  I spent my remaining months in Iowa creating a budget plan, searching for apartments, and lining up summer work.
I moved to Corvallis in mid June to set up my apartment.  Once settled, I spent six weeks in Europe with Camp Adventure supervising the students I had worked with throughout the year.  I then began my assistantship and the first term of my program in September.  My first term consisted of four classes.  I took each class alongside 19 other students, forming a tight-knit cohort.  The courses were rigorous and involved a higher quality of reading and writing than I was used to, but I found the information to be extremely interesting.  I also found out how lucky I was to be offered an assistanship with Career Services.  I became a part of a very friendly office and now have the chance to advise students, give outreach presentations, and supervise the work of undergraduate employees.  Transitioning from my undergraduate years to graduate school, I am adjusting to and enjoying the higher expectations, being treated like a professional, personal responsibility, and a more focused curricula.  My life here has truly come together.  After finishing up my first term, I spent ten days back in Iowa for the holidays.  While it was wonderful to be home, I was reaffirmed that I had made the right choice.       Transitioning to a new location and into life as a graduate student can be a daunting experience, but with preparation and planning, the payoff is great.

Posted by Bobbi Meyer, Career Services Graduate Assistant

Summer seems to be a million light years away, especially when everyone has just returned winter break.  Six months from now may seem to be a long time, but that’s barely enough time for you to do a quick search for summer internship opportunities.

Here are some approaches that you can follow to help you secure a summer internship:

1.      Networking: It is never too early or too late to network; so put on a smile and network-away. There are many benefits to networking:

  • Make connections – be actively aware of possible opportunities
  • Gain a network of support who speak in your favor
  • Recommendations are often made by people you know through networking

2.      Social Media Sites:  If you’re thinking Facebook, you’re absolutely right!  Companies do use Facebook to look for future employees. If you’re lucky, you might be hired for an internship or even a potential job! LinkedIn is also another site that can be helpful for you in finding the right internship.

3.      Research: Online resources such as those that offered by OSU Career Services may be the quickest place to look.  Beaver JobNet, for instance, allows you to search internships in and out of state and even overseas. Companies love to see that you’ve done previous research and have an understanding of their organization. This shows that you’re interested in working and thinking about future career development with them.

4.      Informational Interview: Set up an informational interview with a potential employer that you’re interested in working with. Keep in mind that informational interviewing is not where you ask the employer for a position in the company, but rather an opportunity for you to discuss what the company has to offer.

5.      Career Fair: Allows you to meet many employers from all around the country, hence broadening your possibilities of meeting the company that you possibly want to work with. Upcoming Career Fair is on February 23rd and 24th at the CH2M Alumni Center.

6.      Be Prepared: Having a Cover Letter or Resume at hand when you’re ready to apply for an internship/job is very crucial. Keep in mind that the average time to make a solid resume is at least 20hours.

Words of Advice:

o   When you form a relationship, maintain that relationship

o   Always follow up with the person you spoke with at a particular company/organization in order to maintain that contact

o   Be professional, attentive and always be on time

o   Don’t procrastinate, you’re putting your career at risk

o   Always ask for help…the most successful people are those that get help from others. You can’t succeed totally on your own!

Opportunities are endless! Be the first bird that catches the worms, all the worms. The power is in your hands, use it!

Posted by Phi Vu, Career Services Assistant

Would you just love to know exactly what field would best fit you for skills and interest you possess? Well, most likely we won’t be as lucky as the person who received this fortune!

Choosing the right career path can be challenging. Often one will take several twists and turns before finding their straight away path to an appealing career. But you may find it by exploring and engaging!

Here are a few examples of how you could explore a future career:

  • Conduct informational interviews
  • Join a club in your major
  • Study abroad
  • Volunteer
  • Do an internship
  • Job shadow
  • Get involved on campus and/or in community
  • Attend Career Fairs
  • Check out Vault, an online resource providing information about different careers
  • Meet with a career counselor to take a career assessment

I have actually done the majority of the items listed above. They do not all have to be in the field you believe you are going into, I have done a variety of positions from peer mentoring to teaching to business to shadowing in a clinic. Taking advantage of these different opportunities allowed me to find out what I enjoy doing, what I am successful in, and helped me develop skills that I have applied towards the career I am currently pursuing. I reassured my choice of Pre-Therapy track last year by joining the Pre-Therapy & Allied Health Club on campus, speaking with current Physical Therapy students, and conducting an informational interview last Fall.

The informational interview is something many students don’t tend to do. My previous supervisor came up with the idea and helped me find a P.T. to interview; I prepared my questions and followed through with the set meeting. With the support from my supervisor I asked for a chance to complete observational hours in the clinic, the P.T. directed me toward the correct contact and it was approved. Completing the hours helped me get a vision of how the career field was like. Researching definitely helps us find our niche!

I encourage you to begin exploring your future career by talking to employers, professors, family, friends, and departments and gather as much information as possible.  Also, visit our website for helpful links.

Posted by Marisol Cardoza, Career Services Assistant

Need a job, but no working experience?! No problem!

Every experience has its own uniqueness. Your resume is a very critical piece for you to land an interview; therefore it is important to market yourself in a way that will stand out to future employers.

Any experience can potentially persuade your future employers and therefore can be listed as a relevant experience. Students have a traditional view that if it’s not paid, then it’s not called a work-related experience. Rest assured that experience in leadership activities with an organization, volunteering at a hospital, or an internship abroad can all be listed under experience.

Here are some key factors to help you in perfecting that non-paid work experience resume:

1.      Leadership Activities: Leadership skills are very important to your future employers because it shows that you can delegate tasks, work in a team, and can communicate effectively with your group members.

2.      Volunteer Experience:  This shows that you are a committed and devoted person in making a difference in your community. Volunteer Experience is an excellent way to show that you have interpersonal skills and employers like to see your humanitarian side as well!

3.      Internships: Regardless if they are Unpaid or Paid internships, both are good investments in your time. Internships create an opportunity for you to gain analytic skills, management skills and real-life working experience.

4.      Student clubs/Organizations: Don’t underestimate the knowledge of working with student clubs and organizations because you’re working with a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, therefore you’ll learn to be appreciative of multicultural perspectives. By involving in these clubs/organizations, you’ll be able make relationship with friends, campus faculty and staff, hence developing your network of support.

5.      Study Abroad: Studying abroad can also enhance your resume because it expands your horizon and exposes you to different cultures. This demonstrates to future employers that you are willing to learn new things and they’ll give you credit for your adaptability.

Don’t be afraid to list the above experiences in your resume because they will assist you in defining who you are and your ability to market yourself with high self-confidence. Be positive, honest, and professional when writing your resume.

Make sure to be selective, use power verbs and industrial buzz words to sizzle up your resume. YOU are the last piece of the puzzle that will connect you to success.

If you want resume assistance, don’t hesitate to come by Career Services Monday-Thursday between 1pm-4pm for feedback.

Reference: Quintessential Careers

Posted by Phi Vu, Career Services Assistant

By Jen Busick, Career Services Resource Specialist

The job and internship search can be tough at times, especially in a slower economy. The process can feel like a full-time job with so many different areas of focus, including self awareness, what kind of job you want, resumes, cover letters, networking, applications, interviews and more! There are many tools and resources available and one of the most useful resources is LinkedIn, the leading “social networking” site for professionals. LinkedIn is different from Facebook or Twitter in that it is focused on networking yourself as a professional and you can use it to connect with other professionals. It is also easy to use and a great way to begin your job search! Let’s find out more…

Who Uses LinkedIn?

  • Over 60 million professionals
  • Roughly 1 new sign-up per second
  • Over 150 industries
  • Executives from every Fortune 500 firm
  • 2.1 million students
  • 37,000 college and university alumni groups

Why Use LinkedIn?

  • Build a professional online presence – if you fill out your profile 100% and someone tries to Google your name, usually your LinkedIn profile will be at the top of the list. This is a great way to build brand recognition and it’s reassuring to know that the first thing others see is your professional side.
  • Connect in a meaningful way with alumni and other “warm” contacts – there are over 63,000 OSU alums on LinkedIn! They are a great resource in finding a job and/or connecting you with someone else.
  • Research companies and career paths – LinkedIn allows you to research specific companies or find jobs using a keyword search. For example, if you are interested in working in the music industry, you can type the word “music” under keyword and find all the people on LinkedIn that have a job that involves music. You may just find that there are a variety of jobs in this field that you never even heard of before! This is a fantastic tool for those that are exploring career options!
  • Explore opportunities with organizations that don’t recruit on campus – there may be some companies or organizations that you would like to work for but do not recruit at OSU. LinkedIn allows you to find out about companies from all over the world!
  • Learn professional networking etiquette – LinkedIn provides a variety of opportunities to network and gives examples of how to set up a professional profile and how to network using LinkedIn.

How to Get Started?

Hopefully this information has convinced you to set up a LinkedIn profile or if you already have one, to become more active on the site. It is easy to create a profile and get connected to other professionals Check out http://learn.linkedin.com/students/step-1/ for a quick video about getting started and get LinkedIn today!

If you have any questions about using LinkedIn or other ways to use social media and networking to get a job, contact Career Services at 737-4085…we are happy to help!

Resource: http://www.linkedin.com

Posted by Bobbi Meyer, Career Services Graduate Assistant

Volunteering is a powerful act that benefits not only those being served, but those providing the service.  As you mold a career identity and prepare yourself for life after college, volunteering can play a key in role in your development.  This post will help you explore the world of volunteerism through a closer look at the benefits of volunteering, advice on choosing an appropriate opportunity, and suggestions for where to start.

The benefits of volunteering are many.  A sense of achievement and worth are but two valuable personal benefits.  From the lens of Career Services, there are also professional benefits of volunteering.  Participating in a volunteer experience:

  • assists you in learning and developing new skills.  Employers are looking to hire people who are adaptable and bring with them a myriad of transferable skills from past experiences.
  • allows you to explore career options.  Deciding on a job path that is right for you can be complicated.  Volunteering is a great way to try out many types of careers.
  • betters your interpersonal skills. Through volunteering, you’ll better understand people and their needs, you’ll learn how to work with and motivate others, and you may have the opportunity to learn how to deal with a difficult situation.
  • connects you with a network of people in your field. The people you meet while volunteering may become mentors, future references, or the link you need to find a future job.

Once you have made the decision to volunteer, it is important be intentional about the type of opportunity you seek.  You should first consider your goals, motivations, and values; think about how you would like the experience to better prepare you for your future ambitions.  You must also be realistic with yourself and the skills you currently have, seeking out an organization that matches your strengths and interests.  Next, you should decide on the amount of time you are able to give to the experience, including the number of hours each week and the duration of time you are hoping to spend (i.e. one month, one term, one year, etc.).  When thinking about time, also consider what days of the week work best and what times during those days.  Once you are ready to voice your interest to a volunteer coordinator, be honest about the type of experience you are hoping for, but also listen with an open mind.

Oregon State University houses an office to specifically aid students in finding the perfect volunteer opportunity.  The Community Service Center’s website offers links to volunteer opportunities, hosts events to recruit volunteers, and puts on special projects of their own.  There is also a Nonprofit & Volunteer Expo coming up on January 20th where a variety of nonprofits will be present and you can check out their volunteer opportunities. I encourage you to engage in a volunteer experience; you’ll soon find how powerful your work can be.