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Job/Internship of the Week
3D Design Assistant Internship
InternsLink Recruiting Ltd.


InternsLink Recruiting Ltd., (“ISL or ISL Recruiting”) is a specialist organization dedicated to arranging internship and work placement opportunities for international students and graduates by matching their internship interests and career goals with those of the hosts and finding them the best internships in both international and Chinese companies and organizations in China. It is our belief that learning in a hands-on environment while living in a foreign country will encourage a broader understanding of the world, the individual and the international businesses.

We pride ourselves in our personal and professional demeanor and treat each participant as an individual and take into consideration his/her background, experience and career goals when searching for the optimal placement. We fully understand the investment of time and resources participants provide for an overseas internship. As such, ISL Recruiting strives to provide the maximum return on that investment in terms of both personal and professional growth via affordable and pre-professional internships.

One behalf of one of our program partnering companies, who is a leading display, exhibition, and products design company headquartered in Guangzhou with a work force of over 600 employees, we are seeking 2 qualified candidates for the Design Internship positions for their Guangzhou Design Center.

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

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