To view this job/internship listing, you must be a currently registered OSU student and have an existing Beaver JobNet account. If you are eligible and do not have an account, register now. Beaver JobNet is a great way to get your job or internship search started. Meet employers from a variety of organizations.

Job/Internship of the Week AmeriCorps_logo
AmeriCorps Member
AmeriCorps, Partnerships for Student Achievement


AmeriCorps serve full-time (1720) for 11 months at K-12 schools throughout Washington County. While activities vary from school to school, all placements include:
*Tutoring and mentoring to low-achieving and at-risk students in math and/or reading
*Developing, implementing and/or leading extended day activities (recreation, academic enrichment, and tutorial activities)
*Recruiting and coordinating community and parent volunteers in the school
*Developing and implementing new parent outreach strategies
*Participating in team-based service projects in Washington County

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

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