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Job/Internship of the Week  T_1234089722
GIS Technician
Campus Point


About the Company

Our company, together with its subsidiary construction related professional service providers, is a nationally recognized full-service EPC program management entity focused on financing and deploying Extra High Voltage (EHV) electrical systems in North America. Our company is staffed with recognized industry leaders in project planning and execution of large-scale electric transmission projects, including full service environmental planning, engineering, procurement, and construction activities.

Our company is engineering led and construction focused, specializing in large fixed price, competitively bid EHV transmission line and substation projects, guaranteeing quality, performance, and schedule. We are headquartered in Mesa, Arizona with offices in Nevada, Texas, Wyoming, Utah and California.

For more information on how to apply, check out the posting in Beaver JobNet.

referencesChoosing references might seem to be one of the most straightforward parts of the job-application process. Just list a couple of your recent supervisors – along with someone who can testify to your personal character – and you’re all set, right? Maybe, if you’ve had a wildly successful career thus far; but for most of us, references need to be handled with more care. A poorly-worded recommendation, or one from the wrong source, may actually turn out to be a liability – while a reference who’s been properly prepped can give you a sharp edge on your competition. While you may be aware of the common CV mistakes to avoid, you may not know about the errors people make in their lists of references. Here are three ways you can make sure your references serve as relevant and credible advocates to your prospective employer.

Keep a distance
One of the most common job-application mistakes is listing references who look as if they’re too close to you to provide an objective opinion on your abilities. There isn’t necessarily any harm in listing a reference who knows you outside of a work environment, but providing close friends or family members as references can cast a shadow of unprofessionalism. “One time,” recalls Susan Heathfield, management consultant and guide to the human resources section of, “a candidate gave me his list of references, and when I called the first individual on his list and asked her what her relationship to the candidate was, she said, ‘I’m his wife.’ Turns out she’d advised him to list references who liked him and would say nice things about him.” Most of us know better than to list a reference with such an obvious stake in our own success, but this story conveys an important point about the job application process: If a reference supports you primarily on the basis of a personal relationship, that person’s commendations of your expertise and work ethic won’t carry much weight. What’s more, listing a reference who’s been close to you throughout your life may invite additional risk: “That person may – intentionally or unintentionally – reveal things about you that you wouldn’t want your prospective employer to know,” says Paul Barada, chairman of the board of Barada Associates. Employers may not mind an occasional character reference who’s known you since you were a child, and such recommendations could potentially work in your favor – “but,” Heathfield cautions; “no employer is going to hire you based on a character reference alone.”

Branch out
The obvious candidates for career-based references may not be the ones who’ll provide the strongest recommendations on your behalf. Your immediate supervisor at your current job probably works with you on a daily basis, which means that he or she is likely to be as sharply attuned to your mistakes as to your successes – not to mention that your current employer has a vested interest in keeping you on board. So where can you turn for relevant references? One potential goldmine is your previous positions: Supervisors from earlier jobs may be inclined to remember your work in a favorable light. Along the same lines, previous co-workers – especially those who served with you on boards or project teams – can provide detailed rundowns of your talents, as can fellow members in professional associations. Another option is to reach upward and solicit a recommendation from high-ranking officials in your current company, such as the president, VP and so on. Even if you haven’t worked closely with these individuals, they may be able to offer large-scale perspectives on your achievements, while also bringing some serious credibility to the table. Ideally, Barada says, you should aim to list a mixture of superiors, peers and subordinates. “A subordinate may have a lot of polite things to say about you,” he explains, “but a peer or a superior can provide a more balanced perspective.”

Provide guidance
Asking a reference to praise specific skills in your stockpile might seem like an exercise in egotism, but it’s actually a crucial step in the job-seeking process – especially if you’re looking to move up the career ladder. “Always prepare your references by talking to them and asking permission to list them,” Heathfield says. For one thing, this is just polite; it gives you the chance to alert your references that they may be asked to offer recommendations on your behalf. Chatting with potential references can also save time and energy in the long run: Some employers’ corporate policies prohibit employees from serving as references, aside from providing objective facts about your position and dates of employment with the company – so it’s worth your while to ask about policies like these before reserving a reference spot for a supportive co-worker. Perhaps even more importantly, though, preparing your references gives you a chance to coach them a little, and guide them toward the kinds of information on which your prospective employer is likely to look most favorably. If you’ve got a strong working relationship with a reference, you’ll be doing yourself a favor – and making the process easier on your reference – by specifying precisely which of your skills and attributes you’re hoping to emphasize to potential employers. Match each reference with his or her specific area of expertise, and these recommendations can serve as some of the most powerful tools in your job-application arsenal. “It’s not at all impolite to ask this,” Heathfield says; “in fact, it’s a very common practice, and it’s also considered good job-searching behavior.”

Competition for high-ranking positions is fierce in any industry – so if you’re gunning for a higher salary or a corner office, you’ll need to bring all your talents to bear on the challenge. No single success can take the place of presenting a powerful overall image, from your CV to your social connections. Still, even overnight successes can’t succeed entirely on their own – and a list of well-chosen, well-prepared references will help tip the odds in your favor.

Posted by Ben Thomas who writes feature articles in which he offers job hunting advice for The Riley Guide. For more information on colleges and careers, check out

NOTE: This post was written by a guest blogger and the content for the post approved by Oregon State University Career Services. We are not responsible for the content of  the websites linked in the post.


Falling and Flying

You are graduating! Congratulations! Think back on the enormous amount of work, time, and energy you put in to achieving this goal. You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. But, maybe in addition to the relief and excitement and pride you feel, the whole idea of finishing college and starting something else is scary. It was for me.

Even with all the celebration, it’s important to realize that this is a huge life transition. You may be moving, which entails possibly losing touch with some of your friends and best supporters here at OSU. You may be entering industry or the job market and unsure of what to expect. You may be continuing to graduate school and nervous about the academic rigor of a graduate level program. You may be starting a year of service program or traveling somewhere. Or you may not know what’s next for you. A lot of graduating seniors aren’t sure what’s next for them.

So, how can you manage all this flux and change? What is the best way to approach this transition?

  • First, remember to talk to your friends and family about how you feel about graduating; sometimes the easiest way to relieve anxiety is to simply tell someone else about it. If you’re nervous about losing touch with a particular friend or group, let them know that you don’t want that to happen and make a plan to stay in touch.
  • Second, get that job preparation process underway! Do research on your industry. Perfect your resume and cover letter. And work on figuring out what’s next. If you have something, travel or work or an internship, lined up, you will feel less fearful. It is never too early or too late to put together a plan. (For more on this, check out our website.)
  • Third, begin imagining yourself as a non-student, especially if you don’t remember a time when you weren’t one. One way to do this is to list the differences you see between student life and professional life. Once you have your list, you can find substitutes to fulfill the needs that these essential student characteristics fill. For instance, if one of your favorite things about being a student is the social group you’ve established through the Management Club, than finding a regional professional organization in your field and attending their meetings can provide a substitute.
  • Fourth, you will want to really think about these kinds of questions: How will you grow and continue to learn? Who are you without your major to define you? What could you do with your time now that you will be without papers, exams, and group projects? What skills do you have to give to your community? You may not come up with full formed answers yet but asking is still important.
  • Lastly, if you can look at finishing college and beginning your professional life as an adventure, instead of as something to fear, you will probably relax about the process. In an adventure, you don’t always know what will come next, what will be around the bend, or what’s in store. Instead of fear, what we feel when we’re on an adventure is excitement and exhilaration. We feel alive and awake! Inspire yourself to look at this transition like a fabulous adventure movie with you as the star. The difference is you only get to do it once; so try not to spend your time worried about what’s to come. Just live it!

Posted by Jessica Baron, Graduate Assistant Career Advisor


Attention Graduating Seniors: Are you looking to explore options outside of Oregon after graduation? There are many great cities within the United States that are looking to hire recent graduates. If you haven’t already made plans for after graduation start the job search process using our checklist.

mapAnd check out this list of the top 10 cities recruiting new graduates:






  1. Seattle, Washington: Famous for its coffee and outdoor markets, the average income is a little over $54,000 and rental for a one-bedroom averages around $1,300.
  2. Atlanta, Georgia: Head to the heart of the south in a big city where the cost of living is definitely reasonable for a recent college graduate and the possibilities or careers vast.
  3. Washington, D.C: Are you looking to get into politics? Than this is the place to be, although it can be a little more expensive once you get started here it will be hard to leave, and with the unemployment rate being only 5.2% it’s no wonder why.
  4. Denver, Colorado: Not only worthy of its outdoor appeal but city and recreational activities too, with the average income of $50,300 and average cost of housing being $970.
  5. Boston, Massachusetts: This city pretty much has it all, rich culture, museums and history anything you could really imagine and the average income is around $57,000.
  6. Dallas, Texas: This city is full of culture all its own, with food, cowboys and of course its very own charm. If you are a recent college graduate this city has it all jobs, fun and immense opportunity.
  7. Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota: If you are the type of person that is drawn to small town charm these may be the cities for you. Minneapolis and St. Paul are also very environmentally friendly and known for their values.
  8. Houston, Texas: Looking to get out of the rainy season, Texas is known for its hot weather and the city of Houston especially. If that is the environment for you, it may be time to head south!
  9. St. Louis, Missouri: Another city filled with southern charm, excellent food and of course lively music scene. With average income of $44,200 and the average cost of housing at $960 for a one bedroom.
  10. Raleigh, North Carolina: There is so much to do in this town it will keep you busy and having fun whether you work or just vacation here. There are plenty of opportunities for employment and this city really has the best of both worlds with activities and southern charm.

So, although Oregon is a wonderful place to live, there are also opportunities across the US! If you need help with the job search, Career Services is here to support you.


Posted by Ciara Lynn, Career Services Intern