Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #4

    There are a few different ways that I approach when being “stuck” on a problem. Extensive research is the main way of trying to see if someone has encountered a problem similar to mine and solved it. Even if there is not a direct answer to the problem at hand, a similar one will do…

  • Blog Post #3

    This journey has been awesome! There is a ton, and I mean A TON of research involved. Both my partner and I were basically thrown into the project with zero previous experience with Unity, AR, and Blender. Particularly, Unity uses C# language which we both have never touched before. Even though we are not experts…

  • Blog Post #2

    First, I would like to update that my team and I decided we will be creating Pac-Man in AR for our project. We decided to choose Unity, and XCode for our main software programs. There are also plug-ins that will be installed for AR purposes. Unity is a gaming development program that will allow us…

  • Blog Post #1

    “Why did you choose to go into Computer Science?” Well, let me start by saying I currently have a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Once the pandemic hit, I was unfortunately laid off like most people that I knew. I was having a very difficult time to find another job. It seemed the area I was…

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