
IPIP Results and Reactions

Week 7

The five dimensions of personality are: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience.  Rating from high to low I scored a 90 on conscientiousness, 68- extraversion, 65- agreeableness, 25- neuroticism, and 3 on openness.  Scoring high on conscientiousness means that I set goals and people often look at me as reliable and hard-working. Extraversion and agreeableness was around the same range.  For neuroticism and openness I had very low scores which attributes to a calm personality, that is practical and simple minded.  I was a little surprised I was low on openness to experience because I love traveling and going on adventures, however, I scored high on the adventurousness section.   I scored low on the imagination and artistic interest section. 

A future employer may look at my results and break down certain strengths and weaknesses.  For example, a strength of mine may be that I ranked high on extraversion.  More specifically the  assertiveness and cheerfulness sections.  They may see that I typically see the positive things in life and is an easy person to get along with.  Another strength an employer may see is through agreeableness.  I scored highest in cooperation and trust.  This means that I have good intentions and find that helping people is rewarding.  However, having too much cooperation can be a weakness because I can tend to put others needs above myself.  If I am in a negotiation for a client I can rush to quickly into getting a deal for fear that a relationship may be ruined.   Another strength that I have is that I am achievement striving and well organized.  I like structure and having discipline in my life whether that is setting goals, or having a routine. 

Some weaknesses that potential employers may find is that my openness to experience as a whole is generally low.  I may not be a good fit if I am working for an innovative company that requires imagination.  I also scored low on sympathy.  This can be a weakness to employers if it requires more emotional intelligence over facts and reasoning.  I can tend to focus more on truth than sympathizing with someone. 

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One reply on “IPIP Results and Reactions”

Hi Brandon,

Were you surprised by your results on this test? I know there were a few sections on my results that were eye-opening. I’m glad you pointed out that being overly cooperative can be a weakness. It’s important to be able to recognize that even though something may be a strength, being too extreme with it can be problematic. I think the strengths and weaknesses you mentioned about employers interpretation of your results were accurate. Rather than being viewed as negative, perhaps your weaknesses could be seen as opportunities for improvement!
Thanks for sharing!


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