Writing Exercise #11

While peer reviewing my classmates final essay drafts there were several things I saw them incorporate as well as lack in their essays that I realized could improve mine. One thing that was such an eye opener was how informal my essay was. It’s important to distinguish between a formal and informal essay to keep a consistent tone. My essay especially in the introduction could benefit from a more formal wording. In one of the essays I peer reviewed, I really liked how thorough and detailed they were when explaining the mechanism of their controversial issue. I was a little confused while reading writing mine initially that I feel it’s obvious when rereading so there are lots of places for improvement! Not only did reading others essays help me rethink mine but also grading others helped as well as seeing the evaluation questions. I think when editing my draft it will be very beneficial to use those same questions to see where I can improve on my own essay. I would like to strengthen my con paragraph to clarify the idea as controversial and not just one sided. While doing this I will still make sure to justify why the cons are not as important or valid as the pros. Overall it was really cool to critique someone else’s essay as it gave me a new perspective when looking at my own. In the future I feel like I can use some of these new techniques to better my papers from the start. Reading is not my favorite thing to do but it was very enjoyable to read upon the other controversial topics of my peers.

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