grant Pharmaceutical Sciences

Philmus, et al. awarded grant from The Joint Genome Institute

The Joint Genome Institute has awarded a grant to Dr. BJ Philmus to support his project entitled “Linking cyanobacterial orphan biosynthetic gene clusters to secondary metabolites” starting January 8, 2018.

Front Page Pharmaceutical Sciences

OSU at the Annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) meeting in San Diego

College of Pharmacy PhD alumni joined Dean Mark Zabriskie and members of the College of Pharmacy for a mentoring and networking dinner at the 2017 Annual American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences meeting in San Diego on November 13, 2017. Encouraged by Dr. Ruth Stevens, CSO and Executive Vice President of Camargo Pharmaceutical Services, who has […]

Front Page grant McPhail Pharmaceutical Sciences

McPhail, et al. Awarded Grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has chosen Dr. McPhail to lead a three year, multi-university project entitled The Chemical Ecology and Group Dynamics of Modern Microbialite Communities with collaborators from Rhodes University, South Africa, UC San Diego, and Univ. of Wisconsin.    

Pharmaceutical Sciences publication

Sikora, et al. publication in Journal of Biological Chemistry

The Sikora lab announces a new publication entitled “Structural and functional insights into the role of BamD and BamE within the b-barrel assembly machinery in Neisseria gonorrhoeae” in the Journal of biological Chemistry

faculty news Pharmaceutical Sciences

Indra, Ganguli-Indra, et al. featured in the Daily Barometer

Arup and Gitali Indra’s collaborative work on Vitamin D and prevention of wound infections came as a featured article in Daily Barometer

Pharmaceutical Sciences publication

Indra, Ganguli-Indra, Leid et al. publication in Scientific Reports

Transcription Factor CTIP1/ BCL11A Regulates Epidermal Differentiation and Lipid Metabolism During Skin Development.