News Pharmaceutical Sciences

Terra Magazine: “Gut Check: Intestinal microbes affect our health”

Terra Magazine: “Gut Check: Intestinal microbes affect our health”

News Pharmaceutical Sciences

Work on a gonorrhea vaccine highlighted on a radio episode with KLCC

Dr. Aleksandra Sikora’s research group had their work on a gonorrhea vaccine highlighted on a radio episode with KLCC: available here 

Award News Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Oleh Tarantula, Ph.D, Awarded the 2016 Richard T. Jones New Investigator Award

Dr. Oleh Taratula, Ph.D  Dr. Oleh Taratula, Ph.D, is the 2016 recipient of the Richard T. Jones New Investigator Award from OHSU’s Medical Research Foundation. This award recognizes a new investigator who shows exceptional promise early in a career in biomedical research. Dr. Taratula was highlighted for his research in developing nanotechnology that allows him to exploit the […]

News Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Oleh Taratula discusses his research on novel nanomedicine platforms to treat ovarian cancer

Dr. Oleh Taratula discusses his research on novel nanomedicine platforms to treat ovarian cancer with the American Association for Pharmaceutical Sciences: view the video here