Please join us in recognizing Dr. Gary DeLander as he retires from the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy and begins his Emeritus position on Friday, January 15, 2021.
Currently, and for the past 11 years, Dr. DeLander has held the position of Executive Associate Dean in the College. Since 1983, Dr. DeLander has served Oregon State University in the positions of Assistant and Associate Professor, Assistant and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs as well as the first Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (concurrent for 15 years with his Dean positions). Reflecting his broad and deep involvement with all aspects of the College and tireless work ethic, his accumulated administrative responsibilities in the College have or will now be distributed among many people after his retirement.
Dr. DeLander received his BS in Pharmacy at the University of Colorado and his PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Minnesota. In 1993-94, he completed a sabbatical leave at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. His scholarship has focused on mechanisms of pain and analgesia, actions of opioid drugs and, more recently, models of pharmacy education.
Service leadership has been a central theme in Dr. DeLander’s professional career and personal life. In service to the profession of pharmacy and pharmacy education, he has contributed to a variety of committees within the Oregon State Pharmacists Association (OSPA), American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). He is a past OSPA President and past national president of the Rho Chi Honor Society. A fellow of APhA, he was honored with the awarding of the Bowl of Hygeia, the APhA-ASP Outstanding Chapter Award.
Within the College, Dr. DeLander was actively involved in development of the entry-level PharmD curriculum and primary architect of a revised curriculum, advocating for expanded opportunities for advanced experiential training. In his various administrative roles, he has been a primary driver behind multiple successful reaccreditations of the PharmD program, most recently in 2020 for another full 8 years by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
Within the greater community, Dr. DeLander is a member of Corvallis Rotary, an active member of his church and a talented member of the choir. He spent many years as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader, and used his expertise as a member of the Benton Hospice Service.
During his time with the College, Dr. Gary DeLander has affected the lives of thousands of students, colleagues, and alumni, as well as those in the broader pharmacy community. We cannot appreciate enough his hard work, his wise guidance, his innovations, and the tremendous contributions he has made to the College and the pharmacy profession over the past 37+ years. He has been an incredible inspiration to us all and will be truly and profoundly missed.
Dr. Gary DeLander Retires from OSU College of Pharmacy