student news

Homeless Connect Health Fair Outreach

Submitted by Pamsy Soh (P2)

On Friday March 9th 2012 OSU, College of Pharmacy students participated in the Benton Homeless Connect Health Fair at the First United Methodist Church in Corvallis. The drive leading up to the event was titled “Go the Xtra-mile Feet Sock Drive” during which students and faculty donated over 75 pairs of new socks and basic hygiene items.

During the event, students handed out new pairs of socks as well as other foot care supplies such as toenail clippers and band aides. Students also counseled homeless attendees on proper foot hygiene and how to treat and prevent various foot disorders. Students were also able to provide approximately 22 blood glucose screenings and 40 blood pressure screenings. Over 100 members of the homeless community received new socks and foot care supplies.

The items that were not distributed during the event were donated to the local homeless community center. Thank you to everyone who donated socks, supplies and financial assistance.  This event would not have been possible with great input from Michelle Pfeifer and all those students who volunteered their time. As always preceptors are the cornerstones for providing these outreaches to the community and we acknowledge and appreciate the support from Dr. Ted Williams, Dr. Liz Kohler, Dr. Charisa Flaherty and Dr. George Constantine.