
OSU College of Pharmacy Alumni Reception at OSPA Convention

It is that ORANGE time of year again when OSU celebrates football and pharmacy. Please join us this weekend for the OSU Reception to kick off the OSPA Annual Convention. The reception will be held at the Salem Convention Center on Friday September 16th beginning at 6:30pm. We invite you to be our guest and enjoy hors d’oeuvres, wine, doorprizes and more while visiting with other OSU pharmacists and friends. Also, please take the opportunity to stop by the OSU booth during the convention. PAC contributions may be made directly online from our booth throughout the weekend.

The 2011 OSPA Convention will feature nine distinguished OSU College of Pharmacy faculty members as presenters throughout the weekend. Faculty and recent alumni will take part in the following presentations:


  • APhA MTM Certification with Stacy Ramirez, Pharm D, Clinical Assistant Professor, Roberto Linares, RPh, Instructor, and Tara Schmidt, PharmD, Class of 2009


  • Professional Development for the Pharmacist: National Trends and Professional Evolution with Paige Clark, RPh, Director of Alumni Relations & Professional Development, and alum Cathy Lew, RPh
  • Collaborative Practice also with Stacy Ramirez
  • Niacin and the Management of Dyslipidemias with Drew Dunatchik, PharmD, Class of 2011
  • Antidepressants & Antipsychotics: A New Decade with Ann Hamer, PharmD, BCPP, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist


  • Communication Skills for Challenging Situations also with Roberto Linares, and Ann Zweber, RPh, Senior Instructor and Director of Assessment
  • Biological Agents in the Community Setting with Ali J. Olyaei, PharmD, Professor of Medicine and Pharmacy Practice
  • Pharmacists and Lobbying: The Basics How to Navigate Oregon’s Turbulent Legislative Waters also with Paige Clark
  • OTC Self Care Challenge refereed by Roberto Linares
  • Teaching Your Experiential Students Based On Their Years In School And Their Learning Stage with Juancho Ramirez,     Pharm D, Director of Pharmacy Experience Programs, and Shannon Starwalt, PharmD, Director of Introductory Pharmacy  Practice Experiences
  • Trends and Opportunities in Geriatric Pharmacy with William “Si” Simonson, PharmD, CGP, FASCP, Senior Research Professor

Don’t miss this opportunity to benefit from the extensive research and educational experience the OSU College of Pharmacy will bring to the convention. We look forward to seeing you next weekend and don’t forget to wear ORANGE!