Fresh and Easy Pear Salad


1 Pear (D’anjou or bartlett pears are a great choice!)

2 cups of mixed greens (approximately ⅓ bag)

1 oz or 2 TBS of Gorgonzola

1 oz or 2 TBS of Chopped Walnuts

1 pkt of Balsamic Vinaigrette

Prep Time: under 10 minutes Servings per recipe: 1

  1. Rinse pear in cold water. With a knife and cutting board, slice 1 pear about ¼ inch thick
  2. Optional: You can crush walnuts with a flat surface, such as a bottom of a cup, before adding to salad mix.
  3. In a large bowl with tongs or two utensils mix greens, gorgonzola and chopped walnuts.
  4. Serve on a plate and top with pear slices and add dressing packet. (Hint: use about ½-1 packet per preferences)
  5. Enjoy!

Click here to find more information about pears: Pears | Food Hero

Click here for more information on the cheese included in this week’s Beaver Bag: Gorgonzola – Wikipedia

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