Author Archives: Tim Delbridge

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance in Oregon

I spent most of last week traveling in Eastern Oregon to speak with livestock producers, and the subject of Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) insurance came up in conversation. It is clear that PRF has become increasingly popular, and may even … Continue reading

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What can employment data tell us about the meat processing industry in the Pacific Northwest?

Tim Delbridge [updated 3/19/24] Along with colleagues at Oregon State (NMPAN, OSU Clark Meat Science Center) and Blue Mountain Community College, I am a part of a USDA-NIFA funded project that aims to strengthen the development of the meat processing … Continue reading

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Estimating the economic impact of wolves on livestock producers

Tim Delbridge I attended the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association annual convention last week, in part to talk to ranchers about their experience operating in areas of wolf activity. While wolf management policy is often controversial, there isn’t much disagreement that the … Continue reading

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What does the EPA Vulnerable Species Pilot Project mean for Oregon agriculture?

Tim Delbridge and Dan Bigelow As the Capital Press and other outlets have been reporting over the last month, there is a draft plan from the EPA to protect a number of endangered and threatened species through new restrictions on … Continue reading

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It has been a bad year for PNW cherry producers

Tim Delbridge and Ashley Thompson The cherry industry is unique, even among specialty crops, in that the production period is brief, the crop (typically) has a very high value but has a short shelf-life, and a relatively small proportion of … Continue reading

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How Important is Crop Insurance to Oregon?

Legislators and advocacy groups are in the middle of negotiations related to the 2023 Farm Bill, and the federal crop insurance program is a big part of the discussion. Crop insurance is the largest farm program in the Farm Bill … Continue reading

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Labor Challenges and Import Competition Facing Oregon Specialty Crop Farms

Many Oregon fruit and vegetable producers have had a hard time finding sufficient labor in recent years, and have seen costs increase significantly. A recent USDA-ERS publication on the labor challenges facing specialty crop growers includes some data and conclusions … Continue reading

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