Advising Students with Disabilities

Tracy Bentley-Towlin, Director of Disability Access Services, joined us on Jan 17th, 2013  for an informative presentation on the services available to students through her office and special considerations for advising students with disabilities. Her handout is attached below.

Here are some important facts to pass along…

  • If you know any staff/faculty that have handicap parking placards and use the handicap spots to park for work, PLEASE encourage them to contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion to get a designated spot for themselves so the handicap spots are more available to disabled students when they need them.
  • There are potentially some funds available for students to get tested for a learning disability. The students should inquire with DAS if they are interested.
  • ANY videos that we make or utilize for students (in class, web sites, workshops, etc.) must be captioned. Gabe Merrill in the Office of Equity and Inclusion may be able to assist captioning any videos we produce.
  • Encourage good students (who will go to EVERY class) with good handwriting to become a notetaker and get PAID for taking the notes in their class (which they should be doing anyway).

DAS Webpage:

Disability Access Services Office:
A200 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR 97331
(541) 737-4098
FAX: 541-737-7354

The question of what are and are not appropriate notes for MyDegrees has come up in multiple venues, this one included. There will most likely be an Advisor Coffee Talk Professional Development session on Advising Best Practices for Notes, paper and electronic.


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