Sessions and Registration

Welcome to the ADA30 Symposium online program and registration page!

Attendees must register for each individual session they would like to attend. Registering for one session does not register you for the entire symposium. Accessibility related requests can be made during registration. For more information about accessibility, please visit the OSU ADA30 Blog’s page titled “Symposium Accessibility.” Registration for a session will close after the session ends.

After successfully registering for each session you would like to attend, you will receive an email confirmation that includes the Zoom link and password for that session. On the day and time of the session, attendees can join the symposium session by clicking the Zoom link in the confirmation email. In some cases, it may be necessary to enter a password provided in the confirmation email upon entering the Zoom session. Attending the session by audio only is also an option; a call-in number will be included in the confirmation email.

If you have registered but cannot locate your confirmation email with the Zoom link to a session, please email the ADA30 Program Coordinator Gabrielle Miller at Include your name and the session you would like to attend in the body of the email, and Gabrielle will resend your confirmation email.

Opening Keynote | May 4th 12 PM PDT

Decarcerating Disability
Dr. Liat Ben-Moshe

In her book Decarcerating Disability, Dr. Liat Ben-Moshe shows how disability/mad knowledges and histories should inform analysis of the closure of carceral enclosures—such as prisons, jails, psychiatric hospitals and residential institutions for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities—through the prism of abolition. In this presentation, Ben-Moshe will discuss key findings and themes from the book, focusing on the questions: what does an intersectional mad/disability framework brings to our understanding of decarceration and abolition? How did the concept of abolition play out in different arenas of incarceration—in anti-psychiatry, the field of intellectual disabilities and the fight against the prison industrial complex? What if we understand these forces in tandem as opposed to causal effects, i.e. deinstitutionalization caused the rise of incarceration and the rise of ‘the mentally ill’ in prisons and jails? This session will be recorded.

For accessible copies of Dr. Ben-Moshe’s slides please contact Dr. Ben-Moshe. Her contact information can be found here.

Session 1 | May 5th 11 AM PDT

The Color of Paradise: Analysis of An Audio Description
Joel Snyder, PhD

Audio description uses words that are succinct, vivid, and imaginative to convey the visual image that is not fully accessible to people who are blind or low vision. This workshop will review the process used to produce audio description for the national television broadcast of the feature film The Color of Paradise. Participants will experience how audio description works and is added to media. At the conclusion of the session, participants will have learned a history of audio description, importance of visual literacy, effective use of language to describe images, making meaning with voice, and possible futures of audio description. This session will be recorded.

Session 2 | May 6th 12 PM PDT

Paper Panel

Inclusive Intervention: Can Individuals with and without Disabilities be a part of the Same Interventions?
Winston Kennedy PT, DPT, MPH

This presentation will discuss how successful interventions could include both people with and without disabilities to effectively promote health and wellness in communities, as well as the inclusion of people with disabilities in public health initiatives. Using the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) as a theoretical example of how an evidence-based intervention can be inclusive, the presenter will 1) demonstrate how the DPP curriculum could be modified to include individuals with disabilities using the principal from Universal Design for Learning and 2) illustrate how DPP could be delivered to communities inclusive of individuals with and without disabilities.

“If not me, who?”: Awareness, Stigma, and Advocacy Experiences Among Adults with Rare Diseases, Disorders, and Disabilities
Emily F. Plackowski, M.S.

This presentation discusses awareness, stigma, and advocacy of people with rare diseases, disabilities, and disorders (RD). By presenting the findings from a two-part study involving participants with over 35 different RDs, this presentation will demonstrate how the complex nature of RD awareness and stigma – and related interventions – are interwoven with concerns regarding the influence of societal and structural barriers. This session will be recorded.

Session 3 | May 6th 3 PM PDT

Perceived Health Care Discrimination for the deaf and Hard of Hearing Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chandra A. Char MPH

This presentation discusses the relationship between severity of hearing loss and perceived health care discrimination prior to and during the time of COVID-19.  The goal of the presenter’s research is to help guide future mandates regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) use in health care settings and accommodations required to efficiently communicate with deaf and hard of hearing (d/HH) patients.

Session 4 | May 10th 11 AM PDT

Allies and Obstacles: Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities
Allison C. Carey, Ph.D., Richard K. Scotch, & Pamela Block

This webinar explores the successes of parent activism in supporting disability rights, as well as the points of fracture in which parents oppose and subvert them. Attendees will learn the history of the emergence of parent activism, the strategies employed by parent activists, and the key accomplishments of parent activism. The presenters also discuss the points of alliance between parents and disabled activists, as well as the key conflicts between parents and disabled activists. This session will be recorded.

Session 5 | May 10th 2 PM PDT

A Community-Based Initiative to Develop an Adaptive Training Module for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/D) to be Physical Activity Instructors
Dr. Jen Beamer, PhD, Joseline Raja-Vora, & Willie Leung, MS, MPH

This semi-structured discussion will be facilitated by members of a project team currently working towards developing a training module for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/D) to become fitness and physical activity instructors. The presenters invite attendees to discuss and help guide efforts in developing this training module for aspiring fitness instructors with ID/D.

Session 6 | May 11th 12 PM PDT

Partnerships toward Accessible Design: Cross-Departmental Collaboration on Accessible Web Design
Michele Bromley & Ashley Nilson

Accessible design for digital content is a high priority at any time but particularly so now. This session will detail a multi-year, coordinated effort to substantially improve the accessibility and usability of Portland State University’s public-facing website. Attendees will learn methods for cross-campus collaboration, training development, and vendor management, as well as walk away with strategies and sample resources they can use in coordinating similar accessibility projects at their institutions. This session will be recorded.

Session 7 | May 12th 12 PM PDT

Accessibility Assessment of the Great Salt Lake State Park
Kaliegh Walther

The Great Salt Lake State Park, which was opened in 1978 in Utah, has multiple amenities for visitors to enjoy such as a Visitor’s Center, self-guided beach tour, and campgrounds. The park was assessed for accessibility on November 25th, 2020, and it was determined that many of the park’s amenities are lacking in equally accessible features to accommodate people with physical/mobility disabilities. This presentation provides an overview of the accessibility at the Great Salt Lake State Park, including the amenities found to be fully accessible, and those needing minimal to extreme repairs or replacements.

Session 8 | May 12th 12:30 PM PDT

Setting New Standards: The First US Accessible Vertical Tsunami Evacuation Assembly Area
Mark Farley, Gabe Merrell, & Cinamon Moffett

The new Gladys Valley Marine Studies building on Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center campus in Newport, Oregon is the first accessible vertical tsunami evacuation site in the United States. With no existing ADA-compliant signage standards for tsunami evacuation, the signage in this new building is leading the way. Join this presentation to learn more about the journey to setting new signage standards for accessible vertical evacuation tsunami assembly areas in the United States.

Please note: If an accessible copy of this presentation is wanted, please contact the ADA30 Program Coordinator, Gabrielle Miller at

Session 9 | May 13th 11 AM PDT

Shared Time: Collaborative Inclusive Dance Making at a Distance
Sydney Erlikh, MS. Ed & Maggie Bridger, MS

Through workshops and performances at Access Living, the Chicago Center for Independent Living, the presenters co-founded and created a community that allows disability culture to flourish. Through their work, they demonstrate the ways their community came together to move in a virtual space during quarantine. Attendees of this session will watch a short dance film and be invited to perform a short warm up with the presenters, who will then examine the choreographic process of the film and answer questions on creating movement with varied embodiments.

Session 10: Workshop Part I | May 17th 10:30 AM

OSU Disability Archives: A Two-Part Oral History Workshop for Beginners
Lzz Johnk & Natalia Fernández

This is the first workshop this two-part workshop series. In this session, participants will learn about theory and practice around disability in the archives. This first session will focus on the history and purpose of archives generally and the mission of the OSU Disability Archives ( specifically, as well as provide a brief introduction to archival methods of Story Circles and oral history interviews. The purpose of this two-part workshop is to empower participants with storytelling and community archival methods with the hope that they will take these skills and knowledge back to their communities. The second part of this workshop will be held on May 24th, 2021 at 10:30 AM-12:00 PM PDT. This session will be recorded and is 90 minutes in length.

Session 11 | May 18th 12 PM PDT

Paper Panel

Doing Disability Justice: Changing How We Do Theory
Niamh Timmons

Disability Justice is a recent turn in disability activism that pushes how both disability activism and Disability Studies are done. Disability Studies has primarily emphasized academic theoretical work and often sidelines the theoretical work in activism and creative work. This is a problem that other fields such as Ethnic Studies and Women and Gender Studies have grappled with, but Disability Studies still struggles with. Disability Justice work positions itself against the disability rights movement and institutional violence and is also heavily invested in creative work. Centering disability activism provides a means of how disability studies does theoretical work. This paper presentation suggests that Disability Justice activism and creative blueprints can and should be used to do Disability Studies work.

“This class flipped my understanding of disability upside down”: The Creation and Influence of an Introduction to Disability Studies Course in Higher Ed
April Coughlin, PhD

This paper presentation focuses on the need for disability-related courses at the undergraduate college level and their impact on students’ heightened consciousness and understanding of disability in their everyday lives and work. The presenter describes the impetus behind the development of a new Disabilities Studies course she developed and provides examples of disability themes explored throughout the semester, as well as assignments and content (i.e., sample readings, videos, and websites) used throughout the course. She also includes students’ reflections on the course and how their increased consciousness and knowledge of disability and social justice have impacted their thinking and actions in their own communities. 

Session 12 | May 19th 1 PM PDT

Testing the Waters: On Navigating Identity Construction
Kathleen McCarty, MA

This performance invites conversation around the nuance of disability identity among people who are the closest to it. This session will engage in rich discussion that questions our ideas of what it means to experience disability using prose and written word. After the performance, participants are invited to discuss the social constructs of disability and how they influence identity. Using prose as a primer, this session takes a deep dive into the nuance of disability identity construction. This session will be recorded.

Session 13 | May 20th 12 PM PDT

Making the Fashion Industry More Inclusive
April Davenport

The goal of this roundtable is to educate and excite attendees about how the fashion industry is becoming more conscious of people’s accessibility needs. The presenter will discuss and answer questions about how the fashion industry has made progress in becoming more inclusive of disabled people. Topics covered will include marketing, brands, and technical adaptations of apparel and footwear. This session will be recorded.

Please note: If an accessible copy of this presentation is wanted, please contact the ADA30 Program Coordinator, Gabrielle Miller at

Session 14 | May 24th 10:30 AM PDT

OSU Disability Archives: A Two-Part Oral History Workshop for Beginners
Lzz Johnk & Natalia Fernández

In this two-part workshop, participants will learn about theory and practice around disability in the archives. This second session will expand on this introduction and give participants the opportunity to practice ADA30-related storytelling through Story Circles during breakout sessions. There will be time for collective debrief at the end for participants to share out what they learned. The purpose of this two-part workshop is to empower participants with storytelling and community archival methods with the hope that they will take these skills and knowledge back to their communities. This session will be recorded and is 90 minutes in length.

Session 15 | May 25th 12 PM PDT

Enacting Client-Centered Change in Potentially Oppressive Systems
Billie Travelstead & Andrea Brush, MPH

This roundtable discussion will review how to enact change in professional and institutional settings to create more accessible environments, discuss possible strategies for individual-centered change, and develop personal plans of action. Drawing on concepts from “Promoting Community Change” by Mark Homam, this presentation will include ideas on how to reform within your organization, different types of change strategies to consider, and common barriers and challenges.

Closing Keynote | May 27th 11:30 AM PDT

After Almost 100 Days of Biden: Race, Disability, and A Head
Dr. Therí Alyce Pickens

In this talk, Dr. Pickens thinks through ideological access, specifically how public discussions of Blackness and Disability could be better shaped. She explains several interpretive strategies that create spaces for Black disabled folks. This session will be recorded.