Symposium Overview

The ADA30 Celebratory Symposium is the culmination of a year-long celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act at Oregon State University. This symposium combines academic poster and paper sessions with community-oriented workshops and facilitated discussions to create opportunities for dialogue across spheres of experience. The symposium aims to bring together disabled and nondisabled participants from artistic, scholarly, activist and other community groups at OSU and beyond to cultivate discussions around disability-related themes.

This symposium is free and open to the public.

This symposium has presentations from a wide range of creative, critical, and activist perspectives on disability-related themes, including disability activism, disabled identities, neurodivergence and neuroqueerness, Deaf/HOH culture, and accessibility. Some of the conversations happening at this symposium include:

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act / ADA30
  • Disability Activism
  • Disability Justice
  • Accessible Pedagogies
  • Critical and Feminist Disability Studies
  • Audio Descriptions and Captioning
  • Accessible Web Design
  • Discrimination
  • Disability Archives and Oral Histories
  • Institutional barriers
  • Disability and/in K-12 and Higher Ed

Rather than holding a conventional conference in a shorter (1- or 2-day) timeframe, the Symposium aims to increase accessibility and reduce “Zoom burnout” by spreading out sessions over the entire month of May.

A pdf copy of the symposium program can be accessed below:

Symposium Vision

The primary goal of the ADA30 Celebratory Symposium is to provide a (digital) gathering space for scholars, activists, artists, practitioners, and community members whose work is disability/accessibility-related, who are interested in disability and access, and/or who identify as disabled. To that end, while academic perspectives will be included, this symposium will center the creative and practical pursuits and lived experiences of disabled community members.


Oregon State University ADA30 Celebratory Symposium is pleased to present Dr. Liat Ben-Moshe as the opening keynote and Dr. Therí Alyce Pickens as the closing keynote!


The ADA30 Symposium will be entirely online and use the software Zoom for all sessions. Attendees must register for each individual session they would like to attend. Registering for one session does not register you for the entire symposium. Registration for a session will close after the session ends.

After successfully registering for each session you would like to attend, you will receive an email confirmation that includes the Zoom link and password for that session. On the day and time of the session, attendees can join the symposium session by clicking the Zoom link in the confirmation email. In some cases, it may be necessary to enter a password provided in the confirmation email upon entering the Zoom session. Attending the session by audio only is also an option; a call-in number will be included in the confirmation email.

If you have registered but cannot locate your confirmation email with the Zoom link to a session, please email the ADA30 Program Coordinator Gabrielle Miller. Include your name and the session you would like to attend in the body of the email, and Gabrielle will resend your confirmation email.

Collaboration with OSU Disability Archives

The OSU Disability Archives is incredibly excited to partner with the OSU ADA30 Symposium Committee in an effort to preserve in perpetuity and share with the public the amazing ADA30 Symposium content. ADA30 Symposium presenters have the option to have their sessions recorded and archived within the OSU Disability Archives.


The opening and closing keynotes will be recorded, as well as the sessions whose presenters have opted in to recording. Sessions that will be recorded are marked on the online program. The host of the session will inform attendees at the beginning of the session if it will be recorded. Everyone, including presenters, can avoid having their image recorded by keeping their camera turned off and can avoid having their voice recorded by keeping their audio muted and using the chat function instead of voice. Additionally, attendees can request to have their audio/video edited out of the recording after the session by contacting Interim Director of the Special Collections and Archives Research Center and Associate Professor Natalia Fernández at

For more information about this collaboration, please visit The OSU Disability Archives Session Recordings Submission Information and FAQs webpage.

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