Symposium Accessibility

ADA30 Celebratory Symposium | May 2021

Organizers of the OSU ADA30 Celebratory Symposium are looking forward to virtually gathering with all of you! This page contains accessibility-related information about the symposium for both attendees and presenters, including information about the software Zoom, making accessibility-related requests, and resources for creating accessible presentation materials for the symposium.

Symposium Accessibility

The ADA30 Symposium aims to be as accessible as possible and, in fact, to be a model of accessibility best practices. Every session will include the following:

Every symposium session will include the following:

  • CART Captioning. Please note that in Zoom you need to click the CC button to access this function. The button will give you the option to view captioning as subtitles (with optional sizing) or to view the transcript as it is updated.
  • Captions for Videos
  • Accessible Digital Versions of Papers, Posters, Slides, and Handouts
  • Requirements for Presenters to Provide Verbal Image Descriptions of Visual Materials

The opening and closing keynotes will additionally include ASL interpretation. Requests for ASL interpretation, as well as other accessibility related requests for other symposium sessions can be made during registration. We ask that accessibility related requests be made at least 5 days before the start of that session.

For more information about symposium accessibility, please contact the OSU ADA30 Program Coordinator Gabrielle Miller at

Navigating Zoom

For this entirely online symposium, Oregon State University will use the software Zoom for each symposium session. The opening and closing keynotes will be “Zoom webinars.” Both keynotes will include a Q&A feature on Zoom for the audience to comment and submit questions to the speaker. All other symposium sessions will be “Zoom meetings,” which includes a chat feature to allow audience members to interact with the presenters, if applicable. We recommend that presenters and attendees regularly update their Zoom account. If your Zoom software is not updated regularly, some features may not be available or accessible to you during the session.

At every session, there will be a host and tech support to help assist the facilitation of the session. Below is a description of their roles and responsibilities:

  • Hosts: Hosts start and stop the meetings, as well as control the recording (if applicable) and how and what images are displayed. Hosts introduce, keep time, and field questions for panelists. Hosts can call for Tech help. They will include “Host” in their name to help identify their role.
  • Tech Support: OSU Media Services will be available at all sessions for tech support related issues before and during the session. Tech Support will also be available to answer questions one-on-one for problems with connectivity and other logistical concerns. You can request help from OSU Media Services through the “chat” mechanism on Zoom. Privately message OSU IT technician on duty for that session regarding your technology issue.

Symposium attendees are not required to have a Zoom account to register and join sessions. However, we recommend that symposium attendees register with a Zoom account, if possible. Please download the ADA30 Celebratory Symposium Zoom Guide below for more information. This guide is a helpful tool for symposium presenters and attendees about navigating Zoom before and during symposium sessions.

If you are affiliated with OSU or have an Oregon State University email address, please visit our Information Services Page on Zoom for more information on OSU Zoom, or to learn more about privacy options as a symposium attendee.

To learn how to create a Zoom account, join a Zoom meeting/webinar and more, please visit Zoom’s Help Center page.

Creating Accessible Presentations

“When you deliver a presentation at a conference, in an academic class, at a meeting, or online, you want everyone in attendance to understand the points you are making. However, many presenters unintentionally erect barriers for some attendees.”

Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.

The OSU ADA30 Symposium requires accessible presentations and materials for every session. This includes any handouts, PowerPoints, video content, etc. that presenters plan to share with symposium attendees during their session. Creating accessible presentations and materials is integral to the symposium’s vision to create an accessible event for all presenters and participants. This means that:

  • All handouts and PowerPoint files must be in accessible format
  • The layout and organization of all handouts and PowerPoint slides must be accessible (including font, text size, and more)
  • All videos used during conference sessions must be captioned
  • Presenters must verbally describe any visual aids, images, or actions during a session
  • Any presentation materials must be sent to the ADA30 Program Coordinator in advance to confirm accessible design. This also ensures that presentation handouts are included in the symposium program before the symposium, and any presentation slides are shared with ASL interpreters in advance (if applicable).

Please visit these helpful online resources below for learning more about how to create accessible presentation materials. These resources provide instruction around universal design (font size, color, and style; text and images on a slide; and more), delivering an accessible presentation (image descriptions, etc.), and creating accessible presentation materials for attendees (layout and organization of materials):

For questions about creating accessible presentations and materials, please send a message to