Come recognize new grads, celebrate continuing volunteers, see what we accomplished during a challenging year, and hear some of the worst garden puns you’ve ever experienced! See your email for an invitation and link to RSVP.
Shout outs
Congratulations new Master Gardener Volunteer grads! These gardeners earned their certification through tough times while empowering aspiring gardeners in so many ways!
Brenda Bye (transfer from Washington State) has done a little of everything from online plant clinic to teaching Seed to Supper
Wendi Gale has volunteered in the demo garden and taught Seed to Supper and has taken on a leadership role in the Community Garden Education Team
Rynda Gregory taught cancer survivors how to garden with Hope Grows Here and volunteered for plant sale efforts
Kandi Maestri has taught Seed to Supper and grown plants for plant sale
Ann Schauber has volunteered in plant clinic and in the demo garden
Thank you for reporting your volunteer service and re-enrolling! Service totals are down from past but re-enrollment is steady – across Linn and Benton, 76% of people who ever took MGV training have re-enrolled.
Volunteers needed – Visit the Benton County Volunteer opportunities page to sign up for recurring events.
Mountain View Elementary School Garden: The current emphasis is to get all students and teachers involved in the garden. A grade appropriate lesson in plant propagation is followed with the students planting in the garden. If possible, the lessons are scheduled so that the students can harvest before school is out in June. Fall crops can be harvested shortly after the September start of school, if that grade is still enrolled at the school. Please contact Glen Canning if you are interested.
Community Garden Action Team & Seed to Supper: Teaching hands-on gardening to underserved community members. Contact Judith Kenner if interested.
Continuing education (free to MGVs unless noted with $)
See Continuing Education tab for more anytime options!
Master Gardener Association
The Gardeners Pen newsletter of the Oregon Master Gardener Association is back! Huge thanks to Master Gardener volunteer, Ann Kinkley, for stepping forward to revive the newsletter. Read the new issue.
Extension updates
It’s a new day for training to become a Master Gardener volunteer. The OSU Extension Master Gardener program has revamped, revised, and re-imagined training for new Master Gardeners in 2022 to become more accessible than ever. Mixing the best of both worlds, online training will deliver our top-notch university-level gardening education, with localized and in-person hands-on training workshops organized by county-based OSU faculty. Read the post.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
Corvallis Evening Garden Club is holding their 2021 Fall Bulb-a-Palooza! This is to support their community gardening grants and horticulture scholarships. Many, many exciting and beautiful varieties to choose from! Go to to find the online ordering form. They will begin taking orders as soon as the bulbs arrive, sometime in the next few days. Note: Cash or Check will be accepted at time of pick up. Supplies are limited. To see some of the bulbs available click here.