Returning volunteers – need a replacement badge? Order them HERE.
BCMGA news
Please spread the word about the upcoming Plant Sale on May 7! If you’re on Facebook please like and share. Check out the Board President’s newsletter for more sharing opportunities.
Next Board Meeting is Monday, May 10, 3:00 – 5:00
Volunteers needed
Online Plant Clinic – check for messages on evenings and weekends. Volunteer from anywhere with an internet connection. Enroll HERE.
Office Plant Clinic sign ups open: The office is open to the public, and volunteers can sign up for plant clinic shifts as desired, to answer client questions or practice skills. Pairs of volunteers can currently sign up in the front office again! Sign up HERE. If you’re a trainee, please wait to connect with a mentor, before enrolling. If you’re a trainee, please wait to connect with a mentor, before enrolling.
Farmer’s Market Clinic Table! It’s time for the outdoor farmer’s market in downtown Corvallis. Beginning in May the Master Gardener clinic tables at the Farmer’s Market will be the 2nd Saturday and 4th Wednesday of each month. Certified Master Gardeners are required to give advice but trainees may volunteer as well. If enough people volunteer, we can have two shifts. Please contact Debbie Lauer at 541-929-7544 or to sign up.The 2022 Plant Sale is on! Click HERE to volunteer for the BCMGA Plant Sale on May 7 at the Benton County Fairgrounds. Volunteers are needed for both May 6 (Set up) and May 7 (Sale day). If you have any questions or prefer to not use Sign-Up Genius, please email Leslie Hauser, this year’s Volunteer Coordinator, at Ready to sign up?? Click HERE to find exact shifts, times and job descriptions.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
Save the date for the 21st Annual Through the Garden Gate tour! Saturday June 18th, 202210:00 to 4:00, Six unique & artful Albany gardens. Tickets on sale June 1 at
El laboratorio de abejas melíferas de la OSU y el OSBA presentan el programa de apicultor maestro de Oregón en español. Aprenda la biología de las abejas melíferas, el manejo de colonias estacionales, la producción de miel y más. No se necesita experiencia y no es necesario tener su propia colmena. ¡Y es GRATIS! Nuestros días de campo le presentarán el fascinante mundo de las abejas melíferas. Le prestaremos un velo y analizaremos las colmenas de abejas vivas. Aprenderá cómo manejar adecuadamente sus colonias con un enfoque en la salud, la nutrición, y la hibernación. Asista a los 3 días de campo (21 de mayo, 9 de julio y 10 de septiembre), reciba clases en línea y lleve registros. Responda una prueba al final del año y recibirá la primera certificación en el Programa de apicultor maestro de Oregón. Los días de campo se llevarán a cabo en el Apiario educativo de Oak Creek de la OSU en Corvallis. Le enviaremos detalles al registrarse. El espacio está limitado a 25 participantes. ¡Inscríbase hoy mismo! Los participantes deben ser mayores de 18 años.¿Está interesado? Inscríbase AQUÍ ¿Preguntas? Contacte a Carolyn Breece a
Got Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs? Donate them for research! Jana Lee, a research entomologist at OSU, has a postdoc student needing brown marmorated stink bugs for his research, Ryan Paul. We would be willing to stop by local homes to collect any BMSB where people see them, or pick up any container with them. If any BMSB are put into a container, they need air since they will ‘stink’ themselves to death in a closed container. There should also be a wet towel, and some food like carrot stick, bean, apple slice or grape. If you have stink bugs, contact: