11/19 Master Gardener Celebration and Graduation. 2-4pm in Tangent. Small bites & treats potluck+ awards. To RSVP CLICK HERE.
Got photos of fun MG events this year? To get them included in the slideshow, send them to Betty Goergen: goergenb (at) gmail.com
Thank you everyone for reporting service hours and re-enrolling!
104 Benton MGs and trainees completed 9,150 service hours and 862 continuing education hours during the past year! They made 4,311 contacts. Congratulations!
If you want to participate in 2023 but still haven’t RSVP’d, please complete the DocuSign in your email. If you need paper forms or have questions please call Elizabeth: 541.730.3471
Please bookmark the Volunteer Resource Page. It has newsletter archives, an updated volunteer sourcebook, continuing education opportunities, and volunteering opportunities. It is your one-stop source for program essentials!
Have an item for eNews? Please contact staff by the second or last Wednesday of each month. Please use this event checklist to ensure all needed information is included in your request.
OSU Extension Master Gardener Program News: How’s the diversity, equity, and inclusion work going? Introducing the Growing & Belonging Committee. This is an update in our ongoing series of the work being done in the OSU Master Gardener program of growing who we are and serve and creating a community where everyone belongs. Formerly known as the OSU Extension Master Gardener Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce, the group has a new name.
Extension partner spotlight: FoodHero.org is your go-to site for advice on growing your own garden and more. Check out Food Hero gardening resources for English and Spanish gardening handouts and more!
Via Jana Tindall: “reminder to pay your membership dues as soon as possible. Paula Lupcho will be attending the Graduation/Celebration on November 19 so you can pay in person there. Paula will accept cash, check or credit card. Dues are $15 (plus a small fee if you use a credit card).
The next board meeting will be Monday, November 14, 3:00-5:00. Please see an email from Jana Tindall for link to join via Zoom. (No in-person meeting.)
Like construction? Being an MG is not just about plants. We need you on the BCMGA Greenhouse Facility Committee. We need your skills for constructing shelters for new plants, building irrigation systems, maintaining the greenhouse, and other tasks. Some are occasional jobs that need a crew, and some can be solo projects. If this other way to contribute (and clock MG hours) appeals to you, join up. The new committee has a leader, Jeff Stephens. Please let him know he can call on you to join in on group projects or take on a solo one. Email: jeffks023@gmail.com or phone (360) 624-4981.
Insights into Gardening is returning next year! After a 2-year hiatus we will be back with more great educational and entertaining presentations. Once again we will be at LaSells Stewart Center with classes beginning at 9 AM. So, save the date – February 11, 2023!Online registration will begin January 2, 2023.
Community science. Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
Community news(Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
NEW farm to school booster grants DUE November 8, 2022. Up to $2,000 for school garden projects (and maybe community garden projects)! Short application! Learn more and apply.