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Share an item for eNews by contacting your program staff by the second or last Wednesday of each month. Please use this event checklist to ensure all needed information is included in your request.

and enjoying them as tasty snacks.
Congratulations Chris on completing your service hours, and thanks for an informative post!
- Shout outs
- New volunteer opportunities – Community science. Contribute data to research on gardens, plants, and wildlife. Explore and sign up. Many projects are remote and on your own schedule. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
- Volunteer service hours and continuing education are due 10/31. Congratulations to the growing group of trainees who have completed learning and service goals to earn their first Master Gardener Volunteer Certifications! Save the date for graduation and celebration on Saturday, November 19 from 2-4 in Tangent.
- Are you a trainee who needs help completing your service? Schedule a visit about volunteering or contact Elizabeth Records.
- BCMGA News
- 9/23 – BCMGA Membership Gathering/Picnic—Friday, September 23, 5:00-7:00 PM. RSVP to Janet Magedanz: jkmagedanz (at)
- 10/10 – BCMGA board meeting 3:00-5:00. Via board President: “We are looking at holding an in-person meeting but will keep the Zoom option. Below is the link to join via Zoom. I’ll include the location in my next Bi-Weekly Update.”
- 10/24 Membership meeting. The October membership meeting will be on Monday, October 24 rather than October 17.
- Vote for 2023 BCMGA board members
- Learn how to identify and report emerald ash borer with Jennifer Killian, City of Corvallis Urban Forester.
- Volunteers needed
- 9/20 & 9/27 – Plant Sale Propagation teams will be meeting every Tuesday in September from 9:00 -11:00am near the greenhouses on the west side of Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. Bring gloves, pruners, your badge, and perhaps a bottle of water. No experience is necessary. We’ll get you started potting up baby plants in no time! Please RSVP to Leslie at (or show up anyway if you forget). This year, with your help, the Plant Sale Team will be growing 60% of the propagated plants for our May Plant Sale at Philomath Highschool. The other 40% will be from a scaled-down Dig and Divide season beginning mid-September. Stay tuned for more info on how you can join us at Nellie’s house this fall!
- September 20
- September 27
- 9/24 Fall 2022 Master Gardener BioBlitz. Grab your camera and join us on iNaturalist to capture the insects, birds, wild plants, and other wild organisms in your garden or a nearby community or public garden space. Your efforts will help to document garden biodiversity in Oregon! Online – all day. Learn more and join. Report the time as “citizen science: indirect”.
- Anytime – Become a Forest Pest Detector and report observations of potentially invasive species. Report hours as “citizen science: indirect”. Master Gardener volunteers in Master Gardener Programs of Linn and Benton Counties may report time spent with training as continuing education, and times spent and spotting and reporting possible pests as “citizen science: indirect”.
- Weekdays – Office Plant Clinic sign-ups open: The office is open to the public, and volunteers can sign up for plant clinic shifts as desired, to answer client questions or practice skills. Pairs of volunteers can currently sign up in the front office again! Sign up HERE.
- Wednesdays – Demonstration Garden at 9:30 a.m. You can access the garden through the RV park entrance to the Fairgrounds. Sign-up is not required and drop-ins are welcome. If you would like more information, please contact Denise Saunders at or Dan Dix at
- Find more opportunities on the Benton Volunteer Opportunities Page.
- 9/20 & 9/27 – Plant Sale Propagation teams will be meeting every Tuesday in September from 9:00 -11:00am near the greenhouses on the west side of Philomath High School, 2054 Applegate St. Bring gloves, pruners, your badge, and perhaps a bottle of water. No experience is necessary. We’ll get you started potting up baby plants in no time! Please RSVP to Leslie at (or show up anyway if you forget). This year, with your help, the Plant Sale Team will be growing 60% of the propagated plants for our May Plant Sale at Philomath Highschool. The other 40% will be from a scaled-down Dig and Divide season beginning mid-September. Stay tuned for more info on how you can join us at Nellie’s house this fall!
- Continuing Education
- Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022:
- October 11: Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling in Garden Beds & Home Landscapes
- November 8: Growing the Good Stuff: from Sweet Potatoes to Bitter Melons
- Find more HERE.
- Growing Oregon Gardeners – Level Up 2022:
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- Your extra pots are needed by the Plant Sale team. You can drop them off behind the shed at the Demonstration Garden at the fairgrounds.