JEDI stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. Sometimes, we call ourselves the DEI Task Force.
Sometimes, we call ourselves the JEDI Task Force, because frankly, the word ‘JEDI’ is both more representative
of what we are trying to do, and is also more fun to say.
Applications for the second cohort of Master Gardener JEDI Task Force Members are now being accepted.
Click here to learn more and apply. Applications will be accepted through February 28, 2022.
- Shoutouts
- Heather Stovens’s presentation is now on BCMGA YouTube: https://youtu.be/aJeTFXXfVHc
- Volunteers needed
- Office Plant Clinic sign ups open: The office is open to the public as of January 2022, and volunteers can sign up for plant clinic shifts as desired, to answer client questions or practice skills. Desk is open for solo volunteers, or grab our ipad and mini miscroscopes and work in the conference room with a friend. Sign up HERE.
- Find ongoing and anytime opportunities on the Benton Volunteer Opportunities Page.
- Continuing education opportunities:
- BEEvent – save the date: Sat. March 5, 2022. Learn more & sign up February 2022 at linnmastergardeners.com
- Consider This, Oregon Humanities: Join us on March 10, 2022 for an online conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass and Gathering Moss. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. This program will be streamed live at 5:00 p.m. Pacific on YouTube. RSVP for this free program.
- New! OSU Extension Master Gardeners announce 2022 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series schedule It’s a new year and a new slate of free online learning webinars with Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series. Whether you want to learn how to finally be better with your irrigation, understand if cleaning up leaves in the fall is really good or not so good for the insects in the garden, or get excited for all things roses, there’s a class for you. This year’s schedule:
February 8: The Science and Practice of Seed Starting: Secrets to success when growing by seed with Dennis Brown
March 8: Local Beauties: Native Plants for Ecologically Enhanced Gardens and Landscapes with Nikkie West, Kathryn Prive and Rick Martinson
April 12: Plant Grow Harvest Repeat: Succession Planting with Meg McAndrews Cowden
May 10: Growing Great Roses! with Mark Windham
June 14: Irrigation Choices and Design with Alec Kowalewski
July 12: Best Ecological Ways to Control Pests with Silvia Rondon, Chris Hedstrom and Isaac Sandlin of the Oregon IPM Center
August 9: Should You Leave Your Leaves? How autumn yard maintenance affects overwintering insects with Max Ferlauto
September 13: Compost Can-do: develop a system that meets your needs with Linda Brewer
October 11: Soil Fertility and Nutrient Cycling in Garden Beds & Home Landscapes with Gordon Jones
November 8: TBA
- Community news (Please note that anything in this section is not eligible for MGV volunteer service nor endorsed by Extension, but is mentioned as a courtesy to our community.)
- Oregon Farm to School and School Garden Network. Join us for the 2022 Virtual Oregon Farm to School & School Garden Conference! Registration Open Now!