Dear Master Gardeners,
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about re-enrolling in the Master Gardener Programs of Linn and Benton Counties. Please reach out with any questions: 541-730-3471.
Best wishes for volunteering and gardening —
Elizabeth Records – Program staff
FAQs – volunteer re-enrollment
Q: I haven’t done much with Master Gardeners lately. I might want to do a few activities in 2023 but I am not sure. Should I re-enroll?
A: If you might want to receive the volunteer newsletters or volunteer at even one or two activities, please complete program agreements to re-enroll.
Q: Does signing up obligate me to volunteer for a certain amount of time or for particular activities?
A: No.
Q: Do I need to be certified to do projects like dig in the demo garden, grow plants or raise mason bees for sale, or do other hands-on tasks?
A: No, to do strictly hands-on activities, you just need to re-enroll.
Q: Do I need to be certified to do projects like answering gardening questions, giving presentations, teaching classes, or writing educational articles?
A: Yes, Master Gardener Volunteers need to be certified to volunteer as educators, unless they are trainees working on their first certification, or are working towards recertification after being non-certified. The goal is for volunteers to keep on learning and providing the most updated information to our communities.
Q: I know the Oregon MGV program requires 20 service hours, 50% direct/educational, to recertify. I volunteered 20 hours but most of those hours were indirect. I completed 10 hours of continuing education. Can I be recertified?
A: Due to the coronavirus, 20 service hours in any category plus 10 CE hours are accepted for recertification in 2021-2022, in the Linn and Benton programs. You can be recertified for 2022-2023.
Local certification requirements for the coming service year are TBD depending on the public health situation.
Q: I’m not currently certified but I would like to be certified again. I wish to volunteer for plant clinics and other direct education opportunities. What should I do?
A: If the last time you were certified was in 2018 or earlier, please volunteer alongside certified volunteers to level up your skills and earn direct hours to recertify.
Q: I want to get involved with teaching 2023 trainees – how can I help?
A: Several MGV committees across counties will be helping with in-person garden labs in 2023. Other online and in-person opportunities to collaborate with incoming volunteers will be available. Talk to committee chairs or your program staff to get involved.
Have more questions? Please contact Elizabeth Records:
541-730-3471 or