There’s not much news to share. However, there are announcements about pollinators!

  • Mason bee cocoon care workshops for the Willamette Valley are back this fall! Watch our own MGVs’ fun instructional movie on your own schedule to learn how you can have three times as many bees through basic cocoon care. Then join a cocoon care Q&A to troubleshoot the pests and parasites that attack mason bees. Sign up for October Q&As.
  • What is the 2021 Mason Bee Survey about? The blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria) can develop diseases and populations of predators and pests can build up. In addition there are some new exotic bees and bee pests and predators that have been recently introduced into Oregon. Our friends with Oregon Bee Project are looking for your help to establish baseline on the health of stocks of these bees, which ultimately will help track the health of these bees over time. Learn more and share your bee data.

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